27 C
City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Re: Darboe fears government may be losing confidence of international community

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Dear Editor,

Eesabari Darboe Jula. Please wish President Adama Barrow a successful term because he is your son and every responsible parent wants his or her children to be successful. Anyway, human beings propose and Allah disposes. We believe in Allah and we trust in whatever He destines. Barrow is our Barrow and insh’Allah he will move this country forward.

Papis Gissay

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Dear Editor,

The international community will only lose confidence in the government when people are truly oppressed and the government is not developing the country. Not simply when every Tom, Dick and Harry are social media “journalists” with false names writing and posting every farm and bantaba rumour. Nowadays, everyone is free to insult ministers and ask them to resign. Every day the opposition are giving orders to the government on what to do or not to do. Nowadays, everybody has his two phones and is free to call any friend in a public office and write and post any crap of information against the government. Now any media house can take any picture without the consent of the person and write whatever it wants. We think this is democracy but all that this nonsense leads to is an erosion in the credibility of media houses and as a result the international community does not trust anything the media writes which gives the government free rein to do whatever it wants and gets away with it.

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Demba M Jawo

Salt, Spain

Dear Editor,

Ayatollah Darboe give us a break. Everything started when you were in government empowering the same corrupt system. I remember you defending the 57 vehicles given to National Assembly Members by an unknown donor and going to Europe for official trips and proceeding on UDP tours to meet the UDPians in the diaspora and on your return you will be paid taxpayers monies in the form of per diems. Yours is no different from the corrupt mafia government that we have in place.

Musa Sowe


Dear Editor,

Clueless Adama Barrow has already reduced this country to a failed state but the bigots and the haters wouldn’t see it when actually they are the very people crying about the hardship the country is facing and that will continue until they clean their hearts. President Barrow and his ministers have done nothing in this country since assuming office except being at the centre of one scandal after another. But despite this glaring fact, there are people pointing their fingers at people who stood firm on the ground to salvage this country from the clutches of dictatorship and tyranny!

Modou Lamin Darboe


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