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City of Banjul
Friday, July 26, 2024

Sonko should go for the jugular to win

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Dear Editor,

Ousmane Sonko has enough political support in Senegal to stand up to Macky Sall. Macky Sall is not the army or the gendarmerie. Sonko has the national political support to stand up to Macky Sall across Senegal. It’ll be a few difficult days but Macky will go. Sonko has nothing to lose other than his life.

If I were Sonko, Macky can kill me but I must contest in the presidential election or there’ll be no election in Senegal.

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I don’t how Sonko will work it out but storming the presidential palace, the national parliament and the judiciary seems unavoidable: it’s a matter of now or never.

What’ll be the point of Sonko’s politics when he allowed Macky Sall disqualify him from running in the presidential election when he’s the most popular politician in the country?

Senegal was not founded by Macky’s father nor the father of the judge who made the judgement purposely to disqualify Sonko from running in the presidential election.

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Politics is a numbers game: when you have the critical mass in a democracy as a political leader, when you are persecuted by a stupid president, it’s your problem.

The power to fight in a democracy is the numbers: when you have the numbers, you have the political powers and influence in the country. When you are treated badly, it’s your fault. Don’t maltreat anyone but don’t allow anyone maltreat you.

Everyone wants to live in peace. But you can’t allow to be violated by someone dressed up in borrowed robes. The emperor has no clothes but doesn’t know that: tell him I can see you. Macky Sall is disgusting and revolting and must be stopped!

Macky will not last three days in Senegal when Sonko says let’s go out and get Macky out! Macky knows that very well. Sonko should fight to the last minute: he has the upper hand: he has the most biggest political support in the country. When he goes for the ultimate prize, he’ll win the battle.

Those who want to talk about peace and the rule of law are like calling discrimination against Muslim girls in The Gambia, religious tolerance.

If you want to live in peace, speak the truth and stop pretending to be stupid!

It’s good that Sonko is in Casamance: the day that he should leaves Ziguinchor for Dakar is the day of the storming of the presidential palace. The final day of the struggle.

Yusupha ‘Major’ Bojang


Re: Seedy Njie says UDP supporting No to Coalition Alliance

Dear Editor,

President Adama Barrow is using draconian laws and elements of the 1997 Constitution to his advantage. He is abusing the system and abusing the human rights of Gambians. He is doing exactly what the former dictator President Yahya Jammeh used to do. We claim we are in a new Gambia. We talk about never again. But it’s all false. It’s a pipe dream. It’s not the reality.

The new Gambia we want is a Gambia where shouting political rhetoric and sloganeering should be a thing of the past. It should not be about partisan interests, nepotism and cronyism. It should be about the future and interest  of all Gambians.

But it appears that many in President Barrow’s government are more concerned about lining their pockets and are not interested in Gambians or working for the future of our country.

It’s time we, the people of The Gambia, stand firmly in solidarity with one another and call for massive demonstrations and demand the resignation of this incompetent, corrupt and uneducated government. We owe that to ourselves to safeguard the future of our children.

Omar Loum


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