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City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024

UK-Jarra Association builds multi-million Dalasis science lab

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By Aminata Ceesay

The UK-Jarra Association is currently building a multi-million Dalasi science lab in Soma as a pilot project which will be replicated in Jappineh and Bureng in the coming days for the region’s children.
This was revealed by Ansumana Kinteh, the chairman of UK-Jarra Association Gambia chapter, during the screening of the documentary “I am Jarranka” on Friday at the Gambia Tourism and Hospitality Institute GTHI in Kanifing South.

He said: “The intent here is to help Jarrankas produce the best in the sciences and not only to become lawyers and engineers. Further, we are poised to launch a scholarship package for best and deserving students in order for them to move easily on to the next level; notably the university.
“The Association first gave out donations to the homeless in Reading, United Kingdom in the form of clothing and food. On the home front, we have since inception made giant strides in the areas of health and by donating two 40-foot containers loaded with medical items worth hundreds of thousands of Dalasi to all medical facilities in Jarra.

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“The UK-Jarra Association all started in 2015 when Jarrankas of all walks of life in the UK felt the need to forge closer ties and unity amongst themselves. A year on, on 6th August 2016, the Association was formally launched in Reading by Kora maestro Jaliba Kuyateh. Since then we have been giving back to the community in the two major areas of health and education.”
Also speaking, Jaliba Kuyateh Cultural Ambassador UK-Jara Association, highlighted the significance of promoting culture and tradition.

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