By Tabora Bojang
Amid widespread rumours and allegations of the existence of sex in exchange for grades at the University of The Gambia, the authorities of the institution has said a lecturer who is accused of the misconduct was invited to appear before an investigative panel to respond to allegations levelled against him.
In a memorandum sent to the UTG community seen by The Standard Friday, the management said the lecturer concerned has also been denied access to the portal pending the outcome of the case.
The UTG management also said it has followed the panel up with revised procedures designed to enhance data security and grade integrity.
“The Panel sat several times and interviewed other staff and students as witnesses. As a matter of procedure, the Report of the Fact-Finding Panel shall be presented to the standing Disciplinary Committee for consideration and recommendations which will be submitted to The Governing Council for action,” the management’s memo said. The management further disclosed that the UTG Governing Council has ratified the decision of the Senate to expunge the names of eight students who were purportedly affected by the grade tampering saga from the list of graduates for the recent convocation ceremony held last month pending the outcome of the investigations. Two other students affected were not eligible for graduation. According to the memo the UTG has put in the following measures to ensure greater control in the preparation, reviewing and endorsement and approval of grades/results.:
A, Only personnel from the Registry shall enter the grades in the portal
B. The Lecturer preparing the end-of-course grades must check and sign the result sheets in hard copies.
C. The Heads of Departments (HOD) or Deans shall upon being satisfied with the results sheet sign the reviewed end-of-course grades.
D. The approved end-of-course grades must then be submitted to the School/FacuIty Examination Board for additional scrutiny and endorsement before submission to Senate. School Examination Boards will be chaired by a Senior Academic outside the School assisted by a Deputy Chair (also from another School) as part of a peer review mechanism to strengthen internal controls and accountability.
E After consideration of the results by the Senate, the Chairperson of the Senate or his delegate shall approve and sign the report.”
Meanwhile the University of the Gambia Students Union also issued a statement on the allegations, saying it has taken it with serious concerns.
The students said they are monitoring the investigation with utter seriousness to ensure justice prevails.