27 C
City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024


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Mr Anthony Jones, 67, a veteran Gambian engineer with 41 years of experience who has worked on more than 36 international projects in Europe, South East Asia, the Middle East and several African countries, has said he is deeply impressed with the eloquence of Minister Ebrima Sillah for “his mastery of the sector and the ecosystem, and his demonstrable courage”.

In an article shared with The Standard reviewing Mr Sillah’s recent viral radio debate with UDP chieftain, economist and retired international civil servant, Mr Jones wrote: “For a politician and a minister who is not a trained engineer for the matter to dare go into a debate on a live radio and answered every single question using engineering jargons with precision and eloquence shows how the dynamics are changing in our dear motherland”.

Mr Jones thumped up Minister Sillah and Manneh for the “highly entertaining, informative [and] charged” debate saying “it brought out the best of the two gentlemen to say the least”.

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“Overall, the debate was fiery and educative. I however admit that the Honourable Minister is very much on top of the issues under his watch. Mr. Manneh on the other hand, is a determined soldier with unwavering commitment to put government to account

“Mr Manneh on the other hand had his eyes sharply focused on the money and like all Gambians, was concerned more about expenditure versus works being delivered. With the exception of few instances where the two honourable gentlemen were involved in some verbal altercations, the debate itself was generally good and brought out a lot of issues that caught my attention. They include but not limited to the following:”

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