Ramadan has
taken its luggage
And bid Farewell
to its hosts
After thirty days
of self discipline
And nights of Qiyama,
Qiraat, and Dua
Thus, pitiful is the
state of a person
Who has aborted the
routines of good character
and conduct
That Ramadan
made him adapt
Pitiful is the matter of a fellow
Who has hastened to sin
Even before the last
meal of “ifftarr” got completely
digested in his intestines
Such have treated
Ramadan as their gods
And explicitly, t
hey are hypocrites
Pitiful is the matter of a
person who aborts “tilawat”
for music after Ramadan
Pitiful is the matter of he
who aborts “Jamaat Salah”
in masjid for individual
salat after Ramadan
Pitiful is the matter of she
who aborts the adornment
of “Hijab” for the indecent
outfits after Ramadan
Pitiful is the matter of a
person who aborts chastity
for “Zina” after Ramadan
Pitiful is the matter of a
person who organises ‘a
welcome back party’ for shaitan.