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City of Banjul
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Are people deaf or just ungrateful?

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Politicians, especially western politicians, tend to be very careful of their words, so you must use your mind to hear their actual standing and ask more questions to help the public. Where they are specific or semi-specific, the public should not accept the sacrificing of the most essential contributors/minorities.

I will use censorship and cannabis legalisation as examples, but urge you and the journalists to be a lot more vigilant and grateful. Since the US is heading for elections, using them as examples makes a lot of sense. The race to repentance is the journey of humankind, from the ordinary public who sadly accepts to be sheep of inconsiderate politicians, through the journalists who are like the bridge with a leaning, to the actual politicians who are also sometimes ignorant of their test under a universal lord.

Censorship is a rising huge problem, far beyond the two main parties in the US there are different types and levels of censorship, so we must narrow our discussion around the title. It puzzles me so much why censorship and the way forward are not major in the 2024 elections. First, the so-called ‘free speech’ is a God given right and the constitution is just re-affirming it for the secular minds. Once you understand it as God given right, then you cannot say Julian Assange and non-US citizens are not protected. Our right and responsibility to seek truth is greater than our ‘right to seek happiness’ through alcohol, marijuana, money, etc. Of course, ungrateful Americans may be at different levels, but again our positions as non-Americans matter.

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The whistle blower vs publisher: when the Obama-Biden administration refused to charge Assange in sincere care, avoiding hypocrisy, or acknowledging foreign publishers have rights, Trump was super deaf, but how many were deaf? Trump, being the dangerous con-artist that is worse than the US establishment, spoke well of Assange, but only to brutally hunt him, including pressuring weak Ecuador? Me and you may have been naive to believe Trump in 2016, but being blind to his actions as president and deaf to his rhetoric to jail even comedians make him the ideal candidate of ‘free speech protector’ of Elon Musk, Joe Roegan, and which naive popular American? No! I mean it is very worrisome when Clinton said on video that they want ‘total control’ of social media, but considering she is not running, we can ask if she is the ‘project 2025’ of the democrats that Harris should be questioned on? Slightly more worrisome is Tim Walz using the wrong old example of ‘you cannot shout fire in a crowded hall’ to justify potential social media censorship during the VP debate, because he is running… Cowards should never dictate what is dangerous words or actions, or you risk the censoring of Jarga on even ‘dangerous’ marijuana…

Considering what Sarah Palin said of using special forces to Assassinate Assange and what Trump and Mike Pompeo did, we know the Republicans are so far much worse on free speech, but they are brave enough to hypocritically confront the democrats on it? I think it is a blessing for Elon Musk and Trump to own social media companies, because they will resist the worst of democrats, but how will you help punish democrats+ if they refuse to repent? We know the democrats will protect publishers, but not whistleblowers against the government. We are yet to see Republicans who want reasonable protection for both. Without the whistle blowers, the publishers cannot tell us much, except speculations. So we become ungrateful by agreeing to sacrifice whistle-blowers as a norm. By refusing simple efforts, we become part of the problem. Feel free to try all candidates, but trusting Trump is dangerous. So have him on record, but focus more on Harris and even Jill Stein… Do you believe whistle-blowers who expose government cruelty should be in prison? The crafty politicians will switch to government stupidity or ‘protecting [cruel] officers’ matter. Well the question was cruelty and you have to insert words where need be. ‘My government has the right to hide anything, classify anything’, means the deaf cannot hear: ‘it includes lying and cruelty’ like or worse than Trump? Let me whisper to you, ‘not to American citizens’ means the deaf and ungrateful Americans see themselves as supreme and you accept it or doing what? When non-Americans are fighting for American whistleblowers and for sick Americans to have access to medical cannabis, then are immigrants or the internet very dangerous?

Kamala Harris is arguably much better than Biden and Trump on cannabis, but she seems to prefer to ‘run on a problem rather than solve it’ by when? Where is her plan or even ‘concept’ of a plan to legalize cannabis and by when? When asked about cannabis, she laughs instead of the serious frown when talking about abortions? Two black men interviewing her in her home seemed deaf when she said, ‘I don’t believe people should go to jail for using cannabis’. Only the deaf cannot hear she means the sellers and farmers of cannabis should go to jail until legalized at the federal level and which republicans can stop her from pardoning? The dumbest among you may argue, she added, I think it should be legalized. Again, only the blind cannot see the limited political pardons of Biden-Harris largely excluded cannabis sellers and farmers. You can argue she has limitations as VP, but only the deaf cannot contrast her tone when talking what affects mainly men versus women or children? Since the problem is beyond politicians, how many ungrateful Americans+ think those who resisted or are still resisting government lies about cannabis should continue to suffer? Activism matters, but without the farmers and dealers, our knowledge on medical cannabis would have been limited. Feel free to accuse all or most of them did it for money, but how many had humanitarian reasons, and what kind of a patient will be indifferent to a ‘doctor’ before Britney Griner refused to advocate for the ‘poor Britney Griners’ who are ‘wrongly’ held in how many US states? Sometimes I honestly get scared by how many ungrateful folks are on marijuana or on earth? When at least ten million Americans are accessing or denied legal cannabis, and we cannot get even one million users ready to ‘break-down’ the Whitehouse and congress until it is legalised; then I wonder if LGBTQ folks seem more grateful or understand politicians must be pressured to do good? Of course, I am not advocating for violence in the first week or first to act, but I am not the type who will allow one by one violence of police against me and millions of people, then rule out anything for my freedom. I believe freedom is something you ask and/or fight for; so, I may humbly ask for months or years, I may fight through the courts, but I may also call for even armed protests with cameras, and any police that try to arrest my ‘Martin Luther king’ or be brutal to anyone of us will be dealt with by ‘any means necessary’. Now the word necessary does not mean by any means possible. It does not mean starting violence, but it includes every form of fighting back.

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So let no Obama assume the reason why some black men are reluctant to Harris is due to her gender. My leaning is clearly Harris, but I am suspicious of her spirit, and I won’t cry, frown, or worry over five seconds if Trump wins. The establishment must understand they are part of the problem and contribute to why Trump surged in 2016. We have to be sincerely loved or we separate; but we do not want politicians who are like porn stars or worse than prostitutes to us. We are not taking excuses, but demanding specific efforts. Do not put a cannabis bill with something the Republicans desperately hate and claim the republicans blocked it. Like the many states, consider at least two separate bills — one federal medical marijuana bill and one recreational. Over 70% of Republicans in congress will likely support legalising federal medical marijuana. If 25 % or xyz oppose recreational, ask which regulations they oppose at federal level, then move those to be at the state level. Demand by when will the bills be presented and can we get monthly pardons until the bills pass? May God bless me and every trying soul through Showlove Trinity: let’s learn, let’s work, let’s have fun.

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