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City of Banjul
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Barrow’s remarks despicable

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These despicable and irresponsible remarks are in total violation of the Constitution and his oath of office for which the National Assembly must act now. If they worth their positions and titles, NAMs have an opportunity today to demonstrate that they are true patriots who wish to defend the Constitution and the best interests of the nation.

What the President said here is not just a threat against the liberty, security and life of Ousainou Darboe but it is also an insult against the Constitution and all Gambians.

In the Constitution, the only way a person can hold or leave the office of the president is by election. One can also leave office when you resign or get impeached or die. These are the only ways to acquire or vacate that office.

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Hence the Constitution has no why it says a president can leave office only after the death of the opposition figure. Hence for Pres. Barrow to make his holding and leaving office contingent on the life of Ousainou Darboe is not only an idiotic statement but also an unconstitutional and a dangerous statement that must be confronted.

What makes it even more dangerous is to claim to have signed a contract to that effect! With whom and when and where was this contract signed. Citizens have a right to see such a satanic contract. How on earth can a president sign a death contract for an opposition politician to die?

These remarks once again highlight how Pres. Barrow is the single most dangerous person in this country who poses the greatest danger to the unity, stability and peace of the nation. That must be confronted.

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In addition to calling on the National Assembly to invoke Section 77(2) to summon the President to discipline him including impeaching him in line with Section 67, I also call on the Attorney General Dawda Jallow and the IGP Seedy Muctarr Touray to bring the President to order any means!

The IGP cannot be arresting innocent citizens for merely criticizing the President rightfully and legally while he ignores the violence, danger and threats that the President is notorious of vomiting on citizens.

If Seedy Muctarr Touray and Dawda Jallow worth their position, let them demonstrate that they will enforce the law equally, without ill will or fear or favour! Failure to do so is hypocrisy and unpatriotism for which they must be held accountable someday.

It should be clear to all Gambians now Adama Barrow does not deserve to hold the highest office of the land.

Defend the Constitution and the Republic!

Madi Jobarteh


Pathetic statement by Barrow

How pathetic and evil must one be to direct such an incendiary statement towards your opponent? President Barrow’s statement in Brikama about Mr. Ousainou Darboe dying before he gives up the presidency is both vile and dangerous.

I have heard Donald Trump say some ridiculous things about his opponents, but nothing yet that matches Barrow’s irresponsible statement. How much lower must President Barrow go with his utterances before we become concerned?

Jammeh used to threaten people six feet deep, and Barrow, surrounded by Jammeh’s most ardent enablers, it is death to my opponent before giving up the presidency.

 Coach Pa Samba Jow


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