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City of Banjul
Friday, October 18, 2024

CG Darboe addresses Supdeco Banjul Campus graduates

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It is a great honor and privilege to be invited to address the graduating class of 2024.  I am deeply honored to be invited to share a few lessons with such bright and promising young minds. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the university faculty and staff for their dedication and commitment to nurturing the next generation of leaders.

Today is a momentous occasion, not only for the graduands but also for their families and loved ones. As you celebrate this milestone in your academic journey, I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all of you. On reaching this milestone. The joy and pride you feel today are the well-earned fruits of your hard work, perseverance, and dedication. Equally, we must acknowledge the tremendous support you have received from your families and sponsors who have invested countless hours and resources in your education, and today is a day to celebrate that investment. As you stand on the brink of a new chapter in your lives, I want you to enjoy this moment and take pride in your accomplishment.

As I stand before you today, I can’t help but reflect on my own journey as a student. Looking back on my own journey, I am reminded of the twists and turns, the challenges and successes that have shaped me into the person I am today.  I will endeavor to share my story with the hope that it will inspire you all to go on and do greater things.

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Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, my journey began over three decades ago when I joined the erstwhile Customs and Excise Department in the 90s as a Customs Officer.  Little did I know that this seemingly small step would lead me on a path that would shape my life and career in such profound ways and lead me to a path that would take me across the country and to the highest position with the organization.

I joined the Customs and Excise Department right from High School, driven by a desire to serve my country and contribute to its development. However, my thirst for knowledge and professional growth led me to pursue a university education by enrolling at the University Extension Program in 1995 as the first batch of students to be enrolled on the Program.

Balancing the demands of university studies with my professional duties as a Customs Officer was challenging. The late nights, early mornings, and countless hours of study tested my resolve. However, these challenges were also incredibly rewarding. They taught me the value of discipline, perseverance, and the power of lifelong learning.

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Today, I hold a bachelor’s degree in economics and an MBA in Finance and Accounting. This journey taught me the invaluable lesson that education is a lifelong endeavor, and it’s never too late to learn. As Nelson Mandela once said “education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a poor man can become a doctor, that the son of a mine worker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farmworkers can become the President of a great nation. It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another”.

Throughout my career, I was posted to various locations across The Gambia, including remote villages like Nyamanarr and Sare Ngai. While these postings may have initially seemed challenging, they provided me with invaluable experiences. Living in these communities allowed me to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, understand their challenges and struggles, and also appreciate the beauty of our country. It taught me the importance of empathy, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace new experiences.

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, one of the most profound lessons I learned during my time in these remote areas was the power of community. The people I met were resilient, resourceful, and deeply connected to their traditions, culture and faith. Their strong spirit and determination in the face of adversity inspired me and continue to shape my outlook of life to this day.

These experiences played a significant role in preparing me for the immense challenges I now face as the chief revenue collector of the state. In my role as Commissioner General, I am constantly required to meet strict revenue targets, and this demand never ceases, month to month and year after year. The pressure to constantly deliver results, even in the face of economic challenges, requires a level of discipline and resilience that was deeply inculcated in me during my academic journey and from my experiences in these remote areas.

Patience, they say, is a virtue. This has been particularly true for me. It will interest you to know that I was offered the position of Commissioner General on two separate occasions before I finally accepted the position. I declined it twice because I felt that I needed more experience and knowledge to effectively lead such a critical institution effectively. However, on the third offer, I accepted the position. I knew it was the right time to take on the challenge. As a person of faith, I trusted that whatever was destined for me would come to pass.

Distingushed ladies and gentlemen, as I reflect on my journey, I am reminded of the importance of patience, perseverance, and belief in oneself. Having a clear sense of purpose has guided me through moments of doubts and adversity. Perseverance, on the other hand, has allowed me to overcome obstacles and continue moving forward, even when the path seemed uncertain.

To the graduating class of 2024, as you embark on this new chapter of your lives, I encourage you to find your purpose and pursue it with determination and commitment. Remember, success is not always about achieving a certain position or title; it’s about making a positive impact on the world around you.

As you may know, my entire life has been dedicated to public service. There is no greater honor than serving one’s country, and I encourage you to consider a career in public office. Public service is a path of sacrifice and commitment, but it is also one of immense fulfilment. It is my firm belief that for any nation to develop, it is imperative that individuals with the requisite skills and knowledge make the sacrfifice to contribute their own quota to national development. The Gambia needs dedicated and talented individuals to help unlock its full potential. As you face challenges and obstacles in your professional journeys, remember that perseverance is key. With hard work, dedication, and a belief in yourself, you can achieve great things.

As you move forward into your next endeavor, I would like to share a few lessons that may guide you on your journey ahead.

For those considering further education, I encourage you to pursue your academic goals with passion and determination. The sky is your limit. For those seeking employment, I wish you good luck in your search for jobs that align with your skills and interests; and for those already employed, I urge you to utilise the knowledge you have gained to enhnace your productivity and efficiency in your work place. Remember, the journey will not be without its challegnes, but with perseverance, resilience and a belief in yourself, you can overcome any obstabcle

Distingushed ladies and gentklemen, in conclusion, I would like to share a great quote from Steve Jobs that has inspired me throughout my life: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do”.   As you go out into the world and step into the next phase of your lives, here is a summary of the key lessons I want you to take home:

Find your purpose: Discover your true calling and pursue it with strong determination.

Success is about impact: success is not just about titles or positions but about making positive difference in the world around you.

Perseverance is key: challenges and obstancls will arise as long as you are alive, but perseverance, hard work, and dedication will help you overcome them.

Education is a lifelong journey: keep learning, growing, and seeking knowledge. It is never too late to learn something new.

Passion drives great work. The only way to achieve great things is to love what you do. Find your passion and give it your best.

On that note, I thank you once again for inviting me to speak at this special occassion. May your journeys ahead be filled with purpose, perseverance, and fulfillment. Congratulations once again, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Thank you for your kind attention.

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