27 C
City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chinese Embassy celebrates 100 years of Communist Party

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By Tabora Bojang

The Chinese Embassy in Banjul yesterday hosted a reception to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, CPC.

The reception was attended by senior government officials, political party leaders and diplomats among others.

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Speaking at the event, Ambassador Ma Jianchun said the celebration is a day of special significance for China and the Chinese people as it gave birth to a party that undertook the historic responsibility of liberating and developing China under an industrialisation pace which has taken developed western countries hundreds of years to accomplish.

The ceremony recounted the achievements and contributions of the party’s founding and current leaders including Chairman Mao Zedong who led the Chinese people to overthrow imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism and successfully founded the People’s Republic of China after 28 years of endeavour, winning national independence and peoples’ liberation.

The Ambassador also hailed the special contribution of Deng Xiaoping who represented the second generation of leadership of the CPC, which made a historic decision of implementing reform and open policy, which liberated and developed social productivity.

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“Since the year 2012 the CPC under the leadership of Xi Jinping, China has succeeded in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, eradicated absolute poverty and leaped to the forefront of the world in high technology fields such as high-temperature superconductivity, nanomaterials, life science, lunar exploration, quantum science, deep-sea exploration, super computers, large aircraft manufacturing, high-speed rail and 5G communication among others”, Ambassador Ma outlined.

He said the CPC’s unprecedented development trajectory since its inceptions, has been possible because the party adheres to people oriented policy, respecting and safeguarding basic human rights, socialist democracy and rule of law, deepening reform in modernising China’s system and party capacity for governance as well as carrying out self reform and strict self-governance.

The ambassador reiterated the commitment of the Chinese government in fostering an already unbreakable friendship with the African people.

“The CPC looks forward to cooperating with African countries’ political parties and governments to explore ways to support Africa’s development.”

He disclosed that the Chinese government is organising to donate Covid-19 vaccine for the Gambia expected to arrive soon. “In the area of infrastructure, we will discuss with the Gambian side on new much needed projects and at the same time guarantee the quality and completion time of existing projects,” Ambassador Ma assured. 

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