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City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Disabled Federation bemoans shortage of wheelchairs as 2 people share 1

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By Amadou Jadama

Lamin Manneh, the secretary general of the Gambia Federation for the Disabled, has made a clarion call for support to the Gambia’s physically challenged community who are suffering from neglect compounding their everyday struggle for a living.

Speaking to The Standard, Mr Manneh said a lot of physically challenged people are without wheelchairs or other indispensable materials to aid their movement and quality of life.

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“The situation is so bad that there are cases where two people share a wheel chair while a lot of people with vision issues are without white canes,” Mr Manneh lamented.

He said visually impaired students too are without learning kits. He called on President Barrow to personally look into the plight of the community, arguing that the government has done very little for this section of the society.

Mr Manneh lamented the absence of people with disabilities in the National Assembly or cabinet. He said the last thing the government needs is to face a protest by people with disabilities over neglect of their plight.

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