26.2 C
City of Banjul
Saturday, September 7, 2024


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There has been a heated exchange between the chairman of the board of the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital, Dr Adama Sallah and the deputy chief medical director Dr Abubacarr Jagne.

Speaking on Freedom Radio, Dr Sallah alleged massive corruption involving unauthorized travels resulting in hundreds of thousands of dalasis of per diem, improper procurement and outright corruption in the hospital, centering around the conduct of the DCMD with alleged connivance with senior officials of the hospital.

Dr Sallah further alleged that most of the activities that amounted to wastage of huge resources have been done without consultations with the board.

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According to Dr Sallah, an audit exercise is expected to start soon which will unearth the nature and scale of the corruption at the hospital.

In response on the same Freedom Radio, DCMD Jagne denied the allegations and expressed disappointment that the board chairman who should be on top of any supposed impropriety is himself revealing the allegations. 

He in turn accused Dr Sallah of using his influence in many instances in matters that border on conflict of interests for his personal benefits. He alleged that these included attempted nepotism in appointments, internal trading among others.

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The Standard yesterday called an insider who, preferring anonymity, said there is a need for urgent enquiry into the management of the hospital and drastic actions taken against anyone found liable.

”The only way for us to know is a swift and independent enquiry,” the source said.

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