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Saturday, July 27, 2024

FAO, partners reiterate calls to end illegal, unregulated, unreported, and overfishing

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November 21 is set aside to highlight the importance of sustainable stocks of fisheries in the world, strengthen human rights for the small-scale fishing communities, and make a difference in the working conditions of fishing communities and the sector.

In commemorating this day, the Country Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization, Moshibudi Rampedi,  joined partners in a breakfast meeting to discuss how social protection, when integrated in fisheries policies can support equitable development of the sector, help mitigate the impact of shocks and enable small-scale fisheries to thrive.

Ms Rampedi noted that effective fisheries management can reconstruct stocks and increase catches. 

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“Gambia can rebuild overfished stocks and increase fisheries production for food security and nutrition, economic growth and well-being of communities through collaboration of government with fishers and fish workers’ organizations – along with stakeholders and non-state actors” she said.

FAO and the Ministry of Fisheries, Water Resources and National Assembly Matters  enjoy years of very cordial and productive relations   brought about by numerous programmatic interventions, a case in point is the  use FAO Thiaroye-Technology to process standard smoked fishery products. Ms Rampedi assured the Ministry of her Organization’s  continuing support; she emphasized that   FAO’s Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Small Scale Fisheries in the context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication should be promoted  beyond the World Fisheries Day’s celebrations.

The Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Fisheries, Water Resources and National Assembly Matters, Ms  Fanta Bojang  recognized fishing as an economic venture  for many Gambians. She disclosed  her Ministry’s resolve to conduct policy and legislative reforms to address challenges facing the Fisheries sector.

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“Our primary role as a Ministry in this enterprise includes the facilitation and provision of ashore facilities such as fisheries ports, ice plants, cold storage facilities and fresh fish distribution and marketing to provide a vibrant business environment.”

DPS Bojang appreciated the cooperation and collaboration with FAO.  Ms Amie Ceesay, a representative of the Fisheries’ Associations, said the day is significant to them, because it recognizes their immense contributions to the economy and food security. Ms Ceesay however used the opportunity to advise the Fisheries Ministry to be stricter on IUU Fishing. She also singled out FAO for praise, saying their Associations benefitted tremendously from the Organization’s many interven

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