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Friday, July 26, 2024

Fatou Jobe The Gambian girl who models for Calvin Klein

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fatou jobe

Fatou Jobe, 24, was born in the Bronx, New York but was raised in The Gambia, even though both her parents were born in Senegal. The 5’11” model is signed to STATE, Oui and Select Model management agencies of New York, Paris and London. She recently spoke to model.com. Excerpts:

How discovered?
Max Tucci first saw me in the train station on 42th Street [New York] while I was waiting for my sister to meet me. He approached me and asked if I was a model and I said no. He then called Beth Boldt who worked for State Management. I got her contact information and sent her some digits the next day. I ended up moving from New York to Mississippi a couple of weeks after that. As the year went on, I kept in contact with both Beth and Max. I was going through a lot in 2017 so both Max and Beth helped me out until I moved back to New York. Three weeks after Beth sent me to State Management New York. There I met Jhendi and Tuskania who signed me.

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What was your first modeling job?
My first show was Calvin Klein. I debuted as an exclusive. My first photo shoot was with clothing line Miaou with photographer Tyler Mitchell and stylist Tom Van Dorpe.

Favourite things?
I’m going to seem weird but I really enjoy organising and/or cleaning up something. I honestly get such a wonderful feeling after I’m done [laughs]. But besides the boring stuff, I love to cook. I love to try new foods and recipes from all over the world and mixing and matching to see what I can come up with. I enjoy filling up people’s stomachs. I recently discovered go-kart racing and omg, it’s so much fun!! It was very scary but I was surprised to have enjoyed it so much.

What are you listening to at the moment?
Right now my Apple Music is not working so… nothing [laughs] – but if it was, I listen to everything from African music to Jamaican reggae music and some Spanish love songs. I love listening to Sza – Garden. Her voice is so chill and comforting and it doesn’t hurt that she is always right on point.

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Favorite movie, TV show?
My favourite movie of all time is Silence of the Lambs. I love the way the movie was done. One of my favourite actors Anthony Hopkins is in it. I absolutely adore him! As for TV shows, I love Friends! All the characters in the show I feel like I have a little of me in all of them.

What were you doing before modeling?
After I graduated from high school I went to college and graduated with my associate degree in Social Work. Not long after that, I left to Mississippi to work at a beauty salon doing hair.
What would you be doing if you weren’t modeling?
If I hadn’t become a model, I would most likely still be working at the salon and at the same time be in school working on my business degree so that one day I’ll be able to own my own salons. That’s exactly what I’m going to do after modeling as I want to be able to make chains of salons all over the world.

What’s something uncool that you love anyway?
Well, I have heard people tell me many times that this is weird and not cool but… I enjoy organising other people’s closets or rooms [laughs]

Favourite modeling experience so far?
I recently worked with Nick Knight and my mind was honestly blown away, everything was so perfect. I didn’t and couldn’t understand how this one man had all that talent. When I first thought about modeling, everything I had always wanted to be, feel, and look like was done that day. I was so satisfied.

What’s the best thing about your hometown/country?
I love and miss the food so much. The fruits that aren’t here in the US. The fact that I feel like I belong and comfortable. When I visit home the people make my time so worth it. It’s more than just a vacation when I’m there. My mind, spirit and body change in all types of ways. I’m more humble and grateful for everything I have and don’t have.

Which brand would you really love to model for?
I would really love to work for makeup artist Pat McGrath in whatever she does. I admire and appreciate everything she has done. I would be blessed to do anything she is involved in.

Place you would love to visit?
I am dying to go to Morocco.

Currently you’re obsessed with/about?
I am obsessed with baklava. I wake up craving them although I know I shouldn’t be eating that. It’s so not the best for you but not the worse either. But I’m so serious, I may have a problem. I can eat baklava for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Oh, and don’t forget snack time! Although I try not to [laughs]

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
I was told this by a very good friend of mine in Mississippi during the lowest part of my life and it changed me forever: All you have to do is thank God every day, don’t ask Him for anything. Just thank Him and understand that I’m never going to be able to change what happened yesterday or what someone is doing. All I can do is change how things affect me. How I choose to feel is all up to me. So I thank God every night before bed and think about how I can make today better than tomorrow, stay happy and always be ready with a joke in the morning for someone.

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