27 C
City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024

From the Pastors Intercessory Fellowship International

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Delivered by the Executive Chairman Professor Bishop Dohn Augustyn Bernards


Fellow Gambians; I bring New Year greetings from the Pastors Intercessory Fellowship, the Gambia, the founder and coordinators of Prayers for the Nation and Leaders and the Hour of Prayers.

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Fellow Gambians, as the Gambia and the rest of the world celebrate Special New Year, in our Nation, we are celebrating also the Power and Heritage of the Nation which are as follows:

The Nation’s continuous Peace, Divine Stability and Security, National Cohesion, Good Leadership, Massive National Infrastructures, Nation’s Economic and Spiritual Development, Nation’s Reformed Health Sector and Powerful Harmony between Christians and Moslems.

This year 2024 is being celebrated in a special exceptional Grace of God, because God Almighty is the reason we celebrate and He has been gracious to us as a Nation. Therefore, I continue calling on Christians and Moslems to continue to celebrate and to tolerate each other as we know very well that no one is perfect so we have to continue to live as one people.

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As we celebrate, we should not forget to pray for His Excellency the President   Dr. Adama Barrow, his family, his Cabinet and all in Authority. We should not forget that Prayer plays Significant roles in Nation Building.

Prayer is powerful, it brings Peace, Stability, and great Security, it brings Unity, Harmony, and it contributes to National development and when we pray together, we live together and we avoids calamity, war, civil disobedience, Strive and Enmity, Jealousy, Envy and Hatred.

Prayer helps shape leaders to lead well and it gives guidance, it illuminates and contributes significant development, and it is a direct access to God.

The Holy Bible instructed us to pray for the Peace of the Gambia; so that those who love the Gambia may prosper, in Psalm 122:6-9, so we must at all cost continue to be obedient to the word of God which says in 1Timothy 2:1-4,

I urge you first of all to pray for all people. As you make your requests, plead for God’s mercy upon them, and give thank.

Pray this way for Kings and all others who are in Authority so that we can live in peace and quietness, godliness and dignity.


As we celebrate this Year, we should not forget that we have only Gambia as our home; therefore we must encourage one another and continue to be good example to all, be it Christians or Moslems.

We should remember that we are one people, one nation although with different faith. Christians and Moslems must continue to be example to what we teach and what we believe, in the way we Live, in Principles, in Love, in our different faiths and we must model our values. It is necessary we demonstrate what we consider important and valuable.

Remember that New Year celebration contributes to Unity, Love and Togetherness hence both The Gambia Christians and Moslems are Prime examples to the rest of the world who continues asking, how are you Gambians able to live as one, how do you maintain and sustain Peace, Stability and Security with massive development?

As we celebrate this New Year, it is important for us to remember our gallant Security Agencies, those who guide and protect us daily because they are our loved ones too.

We should not forget to pray for the sick, people at the hospitals, those suffering, the Orphans, Destitute, Widows and Widowers, the vulnerable, the poor and those who need our help.

We should also remember our fallen Hero’s Families. Do not forget your suffering Neighbors, don’t do your charity outside and forget your surroundings.

As we celebrate, let us review our common value, our personal and National interest, the love, family, friendship and what brought us together as a Nation.

New Year is a celebration of Joy, Togetherness, Harmonizing with each other, sharing of gifts and paying homage to families, friends and loved ones.

Fellow Gambians, as we celebrate, we should not forget our leaders and also our leaders should not forget those they serve as I pray for more progress.

May the Grace of God continue to strengthen us as a Nation, may His Divine power continue to Heal, Save, Deliver and Prosper us as a nation in the mighty name of Jesus Christ the reason we celebrate.

Happy New Year to His Excellency the President Dr. Adama Barrow, his family, his Cabinet.

God bless The Gambia.

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