26.2 C
City of Banjul
Monday, September 23, 2024

Gambia-Cuba Association condemns US extension of blockade on Cuba

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Banjul, Sept. 21th: The president of the Gambia-Cuba Friendship Association, Joseph Modou Peh Grant, today strongly condemned the extension for one more year of the US blockade on the Caribbean Island, announced by President Joe Biden.

In a note sent to the Cuban embassy here, Peh Grant, on behalf of solidarity friends of this West African nation, stressed that this aggressive behavior by Washington, which has lasted for more than six decades, is «the height of imperialism, and an absolute criminal act against the people of the largest of the Antilles.

He also called on the White House to remove the oldest archipelago in the Caribbean from its spurious list of States sponsoring terrorism.

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He added that what we cannot understand is that a country like the United States, which calls itself the land of opportunity for all, attacks the citizens of a small neighboring nation with the aim of achieving a change of government.

The president of the Friendship Association affirmed that what is very clear is that Cubans are resilient and will never allow the sacrifices of great thinkers like the Commander in Chief, Fidel Castro, along with Che Guevara and all those who gave their lives for the Revolution, to be in vain.

The note concludes that “Gambians will continue to be in solidarity with the Caribbean Island, and will continue to fight against the blockade, and demand that it be excluded from Washington’s unilateral list of states that supposedly sponsor terrorism.”

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