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Monday, September 16, 2024

GICTA hosts sensitization forum with MDAs

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By Aminata S Kuyateh

The Gambia Information and Communication Technology Agency (GICTA) recently hosted a groundbreaking sensitization forum aimed at informing and educating heads of Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) about their powers, functions and mandates.

The sensitization forum was held under the theme “Transforming Government and Governance Through ICT at the SDKJ-ICC and brought together key stakeholders from the public and private sectors as well as international experts to discuss the critical role of ICT in modernizing government operations and enhancing governance in The Gambia.

In his keynote address, the former minister communications and digital economy Ousman Bah highlighted the government’s vision for a digital economy. This vision involves efficient governance, accessible public services and an economy driven by innovation and technology.

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“My ministry’s mandate is to lead the government’s programs and activities in the ICT sector and to facilitate the realization of the digital economy vision. Within a short period of time, my ministry has registered key milestones since the creation of the MoCDE, which is in line with the president’s National Development Plan (Yiriwa)”, the Minister stated.

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He added that GICTA holds a key responsibility by overseeing the implementation of E-Government plan while leading transition into digital economy. Additionally, their objective is clear and vital, they provide high-quality IT service to the government, coordinating IT-related projects, standardizing IT planning acquisition and implementation across government institutions.

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 The former minister emphasized the strategic role of GICTA in achieving their vision. GICTA will coordinate efforts across various sectors, to ensure that the government ICT projects align with our broader goals of digital service provision, connectivity, security and innovation.

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 The Permanent Secretary at the MoCDE, Hassan Jallow, outlined the importance of the forum, GICTA embarks on this journey of awareness and to build strong partnerships that enable the agency to effectively fulfill this mandate. Through informed dialogue and strategic alignment “We aim to harness ICT to enhance service delivery, operational efficiency of government and empower the digital future of our nation,” he stressed.

Prof. Abdou Karim Jallow, director general at GICTA, in his presentation, detailed the overview of the GICTA’s objectives, powers, and functions and while he also highlighted the importance of the agency’s approval for ICT projects.

The event underscored the importance of a coordinated approach to digital transformation, one that involves government, the private sector, civil society, and international partners.


The Gambia Information and Communication Technology Agency (GICTA) was established in 2019 and tasked with leading Gambia’s journey towards digital governance and development. Its mission is to promote the use of ICT as a catalyst for socio-economic development and to enhance the quality of life for all Gambians through improved access to technology.

GICTA was established by an act of the National Assembly in 2019, it’s a corporate body under the purview of the ministry of communications and digital economy (MoCDE) and also operates based on its specified objectives, powers and function as outlined in the act.

The agency’s objective is to further the advancement of technology, research and development relating to information technology through modern and effective infrastructure considering the convergence of information technology, media, telecommunication and consumer electronics.

Few weeks ago, GICTA embarked on a comprehensive familiarization tour to the key ICT service providers across KM, the delegation was led by the director general of GICTA to engage with industry leaders and stakeholders to gain a deeper understanding of their operations, challenges and contributions to the national ICT ecosystem.  

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