What is the prostate?
The prostate is a small gland in the pelvis, found only in men.
About the size of a satsuma, it’s located between the penis and the bladder and surrounds the urethra. The main function of the prostate is to produce a thick white fluid that creates semen when mixed with the sperm produced by the testicles. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in worldwide Gambia is no exception. It usually develops slowly, so there may be no signs for many years.
Symptoms of prostate cancer
Symptoms of prostate cancer do not usually appear until the prostate is large enough to affect the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the penis (urethra). When this happens, you may notice things like: an increased need to pee straining while you pee feeling that your bladder has not fully emptied
These symptoms should not be ignored, but they do not mean you have prostate cancer It’s more likely they’re caused by something else, such as prostate enlargement. The prostate is a small gland in the pelvis, found only in men. About the size of a satsuma, it’s located between the penis and the bladder and surrounds the urethra. The main function of the prostate is to produce a thick white fluid that creates semen when mixed with the sperm produced by the testicles.
The top 7 signs of advanced prostate cancer
1. Bladder and urinary troubles
A prostate tumor that has grown significantly in size may start to press on your bladder and urethra. The urethra is the passage the carries urine from your bladder out of your body. If the tumor is pressing on your urethra, you might have trouble passing urine. One of the common areas for prostate cancer to spread to is the bladder because the two organs are close. This can cause additional problems with urination and bladder function Some symptoms your bladder and urethra are being affected by cancer include:
urinating more frequently. getting up in the middle of the night to pee
having blood in your urine or semen. feeling like you have to urinate often
actually passing anything. not being able to hold your urine (incontinence)
2. Losing bowel control
It’s not as common, but prostate cancer can also spread to your bowel. Cancer first spreads to the rectum, which is the part of your closest to the prostate Symptoms of cancer that’s spread to the bowels include: stomach pain. Constipation. blood in your stool
3. Soreness in the groin
When prostate cancer spreads, it’s common for cancer cells to go to your lymph nodes and then move to more areas of your body. (This is the same for other forms of cancer.) The lymph nodes are a network of glands that help your body filter fluids and fight infections. There are several lymph nodes in your groin. These are the ones closest to your prostate, so it’s common for cancer to spread to them first. Cancer cells prevent your lymph nodes from draining fluid and working properly. When this happens, your lymph nodes swell. As a result, you might experience pain or soreness in the area.
4. Leg swelling or weakness
Advanced cancer begins to crowd out other healthy cells in your body when it grows. Tumors can press on areas like your spinal cord and cause pain, tingling, or swelling in your legs and feet.
5. Hip or back pain
One of the most common areas for prostate cancer to spread is to the bones, often your hip and spine since these are closest to your prostate. When cancer reaches your bones, it starts to crowd out healthy bone material. Bones become brittle and can break much easier than they normally would.
Having cancer spread to your bones is painful and often requires treatment to manage the pain. You may feel a dull ache or stabbing pain that doesn’t go away and disrupts sleep or regular activities.
Back pain can be a sign of both cancers spreading to your bones or the beginning of pressure on your spinal cord. Spinal cord compression happens when cancer is pushing so hard against the spinal cord that the nerves can no longer work properly. This requires medical treatment, and your cancer team might talk to you about a plan ahead of time.
6. Coughing or feeling out of breath
If you have advanced cancer and begin to have trouble breathing, this could mean it has spread to your lungs. You might develop a cough that doesn’t go away, start coughing up blood, or become easily out of breath.
Cancer in your lungs can also lead to fluid build-up, causing infections and even a lung collapse.
7. Unexplained weight loss
Losing weight without eating less or actively trying to lose weight is a general sign of advanced cancer. This could be combined with some of the other signs above. Loss of appetite or interest in eating is also a sign cancer has spread to other areas of your body, like your liver.
The takeaway
Even if your cancer has advanced, there are still a variety of treatment options available. People are able to live longer today than in years past because of advances in medical research. Treatments for advanced prostate cancer focus on managing symptoms and slowing the growth and spread of cancer. Your doctor knows the treatment options and tests, but you know your body. Make sure to communicate with your doctor and tell them about any changes you notice in your body at each visit.
What is the main cause of prostate cancer?
On a basic level, prostate cancer is caused by changes in the DNA of a normal prostate cell. DNA is the chemical in our cells that makes up our genes, which control how our cells function. We usually look like our parents because they are the source of our DNA. But DNA affects more than just how we look
What happens when you have prostate cancer?
Most men with early prostate cancer don’t have changes that they notice. Signs of prostate cancer most often show up later, as cancer grows. Some signs of prostate cancer are trouble peeing, blood in the pee (urine), trouble getting an erection, and pain in the back, hip
At what age is prostate cancer not treated
Men between 60 and 69 years of age were more likely to receive radiation therapy than a radical prostatectomy. Men between 70 and 79 years were most likely to receive no therapy, and nearly all men over 80 years received no therapy.
Can prostate cancer go away on its own?
The short answer is yes, prostate cancer can be cured when detected and treated early. The vast majority of prostate cancer cases (more than 90 percent) are discovered in the early stages, making the tumors more likely to respond to treatment. Treatment doesn’t always have to mean surgery or chemotherapy.
Is there any Benign (none prostate cancer)
results from the prostate growing larger. causes symptoms by creating pressure on the bladder, urethra, or both. commonly occurs in elderly men and is a relatively benign condition.
Prostate cancer: Coping who might have prostate cancer
Men over the age of 55 are more prone to the disease. Your chances of developing prostate cancer increase as you age. In fact, 60% of prostate cancers occur in men over the age of 65. Other risk factors include:
Ethnicity (black men have the highest risk). Family history of prostate cancer. Obesity. Smoking.
How is prostate cancer diagnosed?
Screenings are the most effective way to catch prostate cancer early. If you are at average cancer risk, you’ll probably have your first prostate screening at age 55. Your healthcare provider may start testing earlier if you have a family history of the disease or are Black. Screening is generally stopped after age 70 but maybe continued in certain circumstances.
Screening tests for prostate cancer include:
Digital rectal exam: Your provider inserts a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum and feels the prostate gland, which sits in front of the rectum. Bumps or hard areas could indicate cancer.
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test: The prostate gland makes a protein called a protein-specific antigen (PSA). Elevated PSA levels may indicate cancer. Levels also rise if you have BPH or prostatitis.
Biopsy: A needle biopsy to sample tissue for cancer cells is the only sure way to diagnose prostate cancer. During an MRI-guided prostate biopsy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology provides detailed images of the prostate.
How can you prevent prostate cancer?
Most men develop prostate cancer as they get older for no known reason. Prevention isn’t possible. But, if you have certain prostate cancer risk factors, taking these steps may help minimize your risk and catch the disease early:
Get regular prostate screenings. Maintain a healthy weight. Exercise regularly.
Eat a nutritious diet. Quit smoking.
o steps to better prostate health
o Drink tea
o Both green tea and hibiscus tea are among the top drinks for prostate health. Both types of tea contain potent antioxidants. Studies show that green tea can help prevent prostate cancer from forming and may also slow the growth of aggressive prostate cancer. Studies show that green tea can also benefit men with BPH and prostatitis.
o Exercise and lose weight
o Exercising and losing weight are some of the best things you can do to promote prostate health. Many studies show that moderate or vigorous exercise reduces the risk of BPH and urinary tract symptoms and helps with prostatitis as well. Exercise also benefits your cardiovascular health and can help prevent other health and sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction.
o If you are overweight, losing weight is one of the most important natural changes you can make in improving your prostate health, whether your concerns are cancer, BPH, or prostatitis. relieve prostatitis, too.
o Follow a prostate-friendly diet
o There are many prostate-friendly foods that can help prevent cancer and slow the growth of prostate cells and cancerous cells. Some of the best foods for prostate health include oily fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, vegetables, and foods high in healthy fats like avocados, nuts, and olives. Foods that help fight prostate cancer include Asian mushrooms, tomatoes, pomegranate juice, and walnuts.
o Reduce stress
o Stress negatively affects prostate health. In fact, some men unknowingly tighten their pelvic muscles when stressed. This chronic tightening can create pelvic floor muscle problems and can be one of the causes of chronic prostatitis.
o Stress can also affect men with BPH. Stress can worsen symptoms such as urinary urgency, urinary, frequency, and pain.
o Having a prostate problem can also increase your stress and anxiety, which can make your condition worse because stress impairs that immune system’s ability to fight the illness. That is why it is important to manage your stress level, release tension and take care of your emotional health.
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