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Man drags ex-wife to court for slapping him

Man drags ex-wife to court for slapping him

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By Aisha Tamba & Oumie Bojang

Magistrate Ebrima Colley of the Kanifing court on Wednesday admonished one Ya Sanu Saine after she pleaded guilty to assaulting her ex-husband Alagie Lamin Darboe by slapping him in the face, claiming he had called her a “bitch”.

Sergeant Kebbeh representing the IGP said the incident happened on 29th December 2021 at Bakau when the accused person and the complainant came to the Cadi Court in Kanifing to discuss maintenance of their children. After consultation from both parties, the Cadi referred the matter to social welfare. The policeman added that the parties were invited by the staff to discuss the issue, during the discussion the accused person slapped her ex-husband in the face.

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“The ex-husband brought the matter to the Bakau police station and the accused person was arrested and interrogated about the offense committed and she confessed to the police that the complainant called her a bitch, that was why she slapped him,” he said.

Delivering his judgment, Magistrate Colley said under no circumstances should a man call a woman, especially one with whom he has a child or children, a bitch. “Such words are provocative and calling a woman such names will provoke her and provocation is a valid defense under the criminal laws of The Gambia.”

However, the magistrate also observed that the accused person should have restrained herself not to slap the complainant after being provoked by his words.

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Magistrate Colley then advised them to solve their issues amicably not through violence, adding that in the family settings, they are expected to protect and not cause harm to each other. “Both parties should do better than that, especially the man who if he had fulfilled his responsibilities, they wouldn’t appear at the social welfare nor will they be in court,” he said.

He therefore sentenced the accused to a warning not to assault anyone again.

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