The leader of Gambia Moral Congress and has said that the “new Gambia cannot be realised without a new Gambian mindset.” Writing on his social media page last evening, former Interior minister, Mai Fatty Mr Fatty, explained: “I believe the ‘New Gambia’ cannot be a reality without a new Gambian mindset. Unless business-as-usual and the culture of lassitude are refashioned, transforming ‘the system’ shall remain a challenge.”
He added that a system change is not just about replacing the governance infrastructure, “it’s more about attitudinal change both on the part of the political leadership and the governed; our collective attitude towards republicanism.” According to the lawyer-cum-politician, change begins with the individual.
“You me and him. The consciousness of one’s duty to the state and the realisation of generational responsibility of a citizen towards another, remain elusive. We are the government, and the type of government any country has, is determined by our perception of our collective attitude towards our entitlements, duties and obligations as citizens. Together, it is possible,” he concluded.

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