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City of Banjul
Friday, July 26, 2024

Occupy till I come (no more delay)

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By Cynthia A.A. Mahoney

As I write, this planet hums with a lot of apprehension. Everything happening around us is a sure indication that the end of the present dispensation of grace is at the doorstep. The scriptures tell us to watch and pray and always be on the alert.

As was prophesied, Jesus’s imminent coming is characterised by the apostasy i.e.  the ‘falling away’ of God’s truth and church, neglecting the true message which is the restoration of the laws and commandments of God.

At this present ‘age of grace’, God wants to accomplish His work supernaturally by using simple and ordinary people to bring a mighty surge of His power. Today, a handful of dedicated people are doing supernatural work through the direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit. As is stated in Acts 2: 17-18 “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God,’ I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh, your sons and daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams. And on my servants and on my handmaidens, I will pour out my spirit and they shall prophesy”.

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Man’s main task is to pray and seek God in all possible ways; help the poor and needy, love one another, stop all inhuman acts of violence and the endless pursuit for worldly riches, which today, is one of the world’s primary concerned. The truth is, we shy away from God, we want to keep God off our world affairs. This ignorance cannot be explained except by the invisible influence of the supernatural evil power of the ‘evil one’ and his agents.

God’s apparent silence in the affairs of men is blatantly because of sin. Sin has separated us from His presence.  This brings to mind when Jesus Christ thanked God by saying that real truths are hidden from the wise and prudent and revealed to ‘babes and suckling’.

 God’s love is poorly misunderstood in our world today, because man cannot see everything that God sees and the limited view makes trusting God very hard. From time-to-time God breaks His silence by using famine, plaques, earthquakes etc. to limit the growth of earthly sin.  Nothing happens in the universe without God’s knowledge even though we sometimes refuse to accept God as being wrathful. Sometimes God understands our limitations, but requires us to be loving and obedient, overcoming our carnal and rebellious attitudes.

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Today, one of the deep-rooted causes for the world’s ills is religion. Religion is simply the worship of and service to God, The Sovereign and only Creator.  Religion basically involves one’s conduct, one’s principles and one’s way of life especially, the concept of the ‘afterlife’.

Most times, few people ask themselves in retrospect how they came to accept the beliefs that have found a place in their minds. This stems perhaps from a cultural background, the teachings of childhood and adulthood. Since the human mind is not equipped to manufacture truth with no basis for that truth, most people accept carelessly what they are taught from childhood.

As a mature adult, we accept what we have repeatedly heard, read and taught. Often, we do not secretly share or question with our superiors or even peers on important lessons learnt, we only nurture what we know to be true, and defend vigorously and at times emotionally, our convictions. Examples of this category we find in fundamentalist and Jihad groups, around the world. The meaning of religion to this category of group is grossly misconstrued.

In conclusion, the world needs to appease God by turning away from sin, worship and obey Him with a humble heart, and love one another as indicated in the laws and commandments of God. 

May the hearts of all the faithful, including religious leaders of every tribe, tongue and colour and creed all over the world, become one world entity, exchange knowledge in love and humility, to make this world a happy and peaceful place as was the original plan of the one and only Creator of the humankind and the universe as a whole.

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