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City of Banjul
Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Peace Revolution apologises IOU for YouTube video

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Peace Revolution Project, a local orgainsation undet The World Peace Initiative Fundation, has apologised to the Islamic Online University for posting the institution’s video on the world video-sharing website, YouTube, without their knowledge.

In a letter signed by Sunkung Danso, Country Coordinator, Peace Revolution, the organisation writes:
We the Peace Revolution Project under World Peace Initiative Foundation would like to apologise to Islamic Online University (IOU), The Gambia for posting a video taken during PIPO Gambia Tour. We are deeply sorry for the damage caused by us and we would like to register our sincere and most profound apology to IOU Globally. We have no hidden agenda for putting the video on YouTube but to promote peace through meditation. However, we are also at fault in this case and we have nothing against IOU that will warrant us to damage the institution’s reputation.

Moreover, the event is not a workshop but a meeting for 30 minutes wherein we introduced Peace Revolution Project to the participants and explained what meditation is all about and how it can make a mind peaceful and stress-free.

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We would like to apologise to the management of Islamic Online University for posting the Video in YouTube without their consent.

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