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City of Banjul
Friday, July 26, 2024

Persons with disabilities tell gov’t to help them with wheelchairs

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By Amadou Jadama in Basse

The  regional  youth  committee member and representative of the disabled in Basse, Abdoulie Mballow, has appealed to President Adama Barrow to assist the persons with disabilities  with wheelchairs and other mobility equipment.

Mr Mballow made this appeal on Saturday in Allunhar during the presentation of wheelchairs and crutches donated by  Sulayman Junkung Sawaneh, a Gambian philanthropist based in Denmark.

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The donation came after Kumba Jabbi, a native of Basse Manneh Kunda, consulted  Mr Sawaneh that she has some people who are physically challenged and they are in need of wheelchairs and crutches.

Born in Njaba Kunda in Central Baddibu, Sulayman has been rendering humanitarian gesture for more than 20 years to institutions.

Mr Mballow said: “To be frank enough, persons with disabilities in the Gambia are suffering in terms of mobility. I am urging the Gambia Government to give support to persons with disabilities. It is a big challenge that we are facing. We need these materials because this is our mobility and without them, we cannot go anywhere.”

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“We need wheelchairs, crutches, white chains and brail machines. We are  also human beings. In terms of education, you should not leave us behind. Let them educate us because right now, our chairman of Gambia Federation of Disabled Muhammed Krubally is a principal magistrate and he is visually impaired and others who are in the government and NGOs serving the nation”.

Yunus  S Saliu, who presented the items on behalf of the donor, said: “Mr Sawaneh has supported many institutions in this country notably, health sector, Department of Prison, schools, individuals among others.”

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