26.2 C
City of Banjul
Saturday, September 7, 2024


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By Tabora Bojang

Police spokesman Superintendent David Kujabi yesterday confirmed to The Standard that a man is being investigated for allegedly having sex with a minor .
Spt Kujabi emphasized that so far, all matters relating to the case are allegations until the investigations are over.

According to witnesses, the man, identified as John Veneau, a French citizen, was on Sunday spotted allegedly having sex with a girl in the sea at Palma Rimea beach.
Our sources said the two were trapped by a mob of beach boys who escorted them to the Tourism security officials.

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An eyewitness to the dramatic incident on the beach, Nna Ceesay-Marenah, told The Standard that she personally informed officials of Child Protection Alliance who visited the scene.
At the police station, Nna said she told the suspect many times to call his ambassador instead when he insisted on calling someone in police high authority.
She added that John also tried to settle the matter in private but the presence of witnesses seemingly made that impossible.

“It was easy to know the girl is a minor by just looking,” Nna said, urging the police to quickly investigate the matter before the suspect leaves the country since “he was constantly saying he had a flight to catch.”
It is not clear what happened to John but police PRO Kujabi only said the matter is being investigated.

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