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City of Banjul
Saturday, October 19, 2024

Putting country first

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For a country to develop there is a need for it to have citizens who love the country so much that they will always put the country first over their selfish interests. In a way, this can be referred to as patriotism.

This sometimes makes people rally behind certain ideas and concepts and work together in earnest to see to it that their objectives are attained. They will put aside most of their differences because they have a common goal which they are all eyeing.

An example of this could be seen in The Gambia when in 2016, most citizens made up their minds to ensure that there was a change of government. Even though there used to be differences among some people, a simple reminder of eyes on the target would bring people back to their objective.

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Using that as a slogan, Gambians were able to galvanize and put their efforts together and achieve a marvelous victory. It is when influential leaders use their voices to bring a nation together and this can help attain whatever goals they set for themselves.

At the current juncture in the life of The Gambia, there is nothing it needs more than unity and togetherness. With the myriad of challenges the country is facing, everyone needs to refocus on the one thing that can pull the country out of these challenges – improved economic condition for the people.

Towards this end, speakers, especially those holding places of influence must endeavor to cultivate togetherness and unity in their utterances and avoid polarizing the country further. It is understandable that humans are prone to err, so when they do, they should accept it and make amends.

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It is also necessary for people to have some level of magnanimity such that they can overlook the mistakes of others. That is to say, they should not respond in a way that will make matters worse rather than making things better.

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