25.2 C
City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024

RE: President Barrow deserves praise for championing democracy

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Dear editor,

I came across a Standard Newspaper article in which, my dear friend and former classmate, Honourable Seedy Njie, in a debate on the State of the Nation address by the President, went to a great length to draw historical comparisons between Barrow’s governance and those of his predecessors in relation to democracy, human rights and rule of law. In particular, the deputy speaker made reference to the period presided over by former President Jammeh in which Civil Servants were put behind bars for merely exercising their civic rights.

Such a jarring contemptuous and double-tongued political promiscuity and gleeful subservience cannot be ignored. This is precisely because Hon Seedy was there championing the very rotten system, excusing its excesses and promoting its entrenchment when our rights were assaulted, when our freedom of expression was treated with treasonous condemnation, and, worse, when our lives and dignity were violated with unbridled scorn and impunity. In that dark period of political persecution and unrelenting state sponsored terrorism, Hon Seedy Njie and his ilk used every  platform and every opportunity to remind Gambians how great Yahya Jammeh was and how  grateful we should be to him for ushering “unprecedented development” to Gambia.  He is repeating the same argument, resorting to all too familiar tactics except that, in this case, he has changed political masters and Barrow, not Jammeh anymore, is the Dean of Gambia’s democracy and development.

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While I have no evidence to support the notion or the theory that President Barrow interferes with independence of Judiciary, I will not take Hon Seedy Njie’s words for it just because he lacks the fundamental moral and political integrity with  historically flawed, conflicted and compromised judgment to believe anything that comes out of his mouth. People like him have proven to us repeatedly that they are ever ready to defend and promote their political masters at any and all cost against the true interest of the country wherever or whenever those two collide.

My very public and unsolicited advice to Hon Njie, therefore,  is to graduate from hollow and warrantless praise singing and actually use his connection and influence to be on the side of our country and help support and strengthen true democracy in The Gambia even if taking such position will threaten the privileged life he currently lives. We expect…nay, we demand such true patriotism from our high ranking government officials.

Zakaria Kemo Konteh

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Queens, USA

Response to Baboucar Nyang, former member for Banjul South

Dear editor,

Mr Nyang, this is regarding your stoic comment against Mr Abdou Janha (SARA) former secretary general. As a Gambian, I don’t think you understand the language he delivered. Your comment against Mr Sara Janha was baseless, political and confrontational.

Mr Janha has assisted many people in this country. He is well respected by Gambians who worked with him, from Banjul south to Banjul north; Hill Street to Lancaster.

Papa Leety, Banjul south produced many intellectuals. To mention a few; the late Henry Joseph Joof (man), the late Dr Sarja Taal, the late Ebou Janha, Mr Gibril Ball Gaye and many others. All these intellectuals are from Banjul south who are well respected.

Papa Leety, Abdou Janha upgraded himself in America. When he came back, he bought his compound and built before joining P.P.P Government.

The former regime sold his own compound which he holds in good faith.

Papa Leety, your comment on Sara Janha’s advice to the Gambian government shows the Gambian people that you succumb to what happened in this country the last two decades.

Papa Leety, you spent many years in America, when you came back to the country, you never worked in any office until the Banjul south youth, whom you disappointed put you in to become a member of parliament for Banjul south. Mr Baboucarr Nyang, tomorrow belongs to those who prepared for it today. Mr Nyang, how far have you gone with your project? Mr Nyang, if you live in a glass house, don’t throw stones.

Papa Leety, Banjul south is well respected in Banjul, stop confronting comments. Banjul belongs to Banjulians; there is no one who can divide Banjulians.

Watch out Mr Nyang. A fool shall never be wise.

Pa Modou Jeng

Retired teacher


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