It scorches our hearts that
Once again teachers
are treated as coolies
Pulled and flushed out of
the race for economic security
Being placed on the altar of sacrifice
To be the stepping stone that
resides in the bottom to elevate others
Once again fruits have
oppressed their roots
Overlooked and flouted
as a spitted spit
Or a draught donkey which only
needs what to keep it moving
Once again teachers are
eliminated from the equation
Relegated to the back seat
Relegated to the siege
of poverty- of slavery
Where they are to be left
to perish in destitution
Once again the nation’s
mitochondria is gibed
and derided
But Lo! It will take a
different course this time
The gibbers and twiddlers
shall be bitterly taught
to revere the tutors
And be shown to water
the roots that keep the
tree firm and the fruits
plump- The Teachers.