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City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sanno slams ex-finance minister over ‘illiterate advisers’ comment

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By Lamin Cham

Firebrand presidential political adviser Dodou Sanno has described UDP senior official and former finance minister Amadou Sanneh’s criticism of President Barrow’s adviser as “tragically misplaced and disappointing”.

Mr Sanneh told a UDP rally in Njaba Kunda that his party will not appoint “illiterates and run-away marabouts” as presidential advisers if the party comes to power.

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“I think some of the advisers only stopped at Grade 6 while there is one who was a marabout in Europe,” Mr Sanneh who did not mention any name alleged.

In response, Sanno told The Standard that Mr Sanneh could only be referring to him or his colleagues at the Office of the President.

“I want to state again that I feel personally constrained to reply to Mr Sanneh out of respect for him as senior former colleague in the UDP. But since he has now abused that respect it is necessary on my part to address his misplaced rantings”.

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Sanno said the likes of Mr Sanneh who called themselves educated have cultivated an attitude that is not just contemptuous toward their less educated compatriots but also filled with hate and jealousy.

“Sanneh must be reminded that it was these bunch of people he called illiterates who fought to free this country from a system which incarcerated himself and made him a helpless prisoner. So he himself is one of the biggest beneficiaries of the efforts of these people he called illiterates. And let him know also that even though we sympathised with his plight we are not proud of the act he was convicted of – tarnishing the image of the country with false attestations. Again Mr Sanneh should also be reminded that come December, the same illiterates he is rubbishing will destroy his political party’s ambition at the polls by keeping President Barrow in power using the same methods used to depose the dictator [Yahya Jammeh]. I am personally disappointed that such comments came from Mr Sanneh,” Dou Sanno concluded.

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