27 C
City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Statement by H.E. Adama Barrow, President of the republic of The Gambia

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The swearing of members of the commission of inquiry into the conduct of councils.

Honourable Cabinet Ministers,

Secretary General and Head of the Civil Service,

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Senior Government Officials Present,


Distinguished Guests,

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Members of the Media,

As explained by tthe Secretary to Cabinet, we are here today to swear in members of the Commission of Inquiry into the Conduct of Local Councils. This decision is in line with my government’s determination to strengthen our institutions through good governance. To serve the nation better, it is an exercise that must extend beyond Central Government to include public institutions at the decentralised level. 

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Government bears a statutory oversight obligation over Councils.   The setting up of this Commission of Inquiry is the result  of complaints sent from four Councils about alleged financial and administrative irregularities.

Guided by Section 200 of the 1997 Constitution of the Republic of The Gambia, I deem it necessary to establish a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the alleged irregularities.

In discharging our responsibilities as a government, we are committed to the principles of accountability and transparency, thus we have to take proper steps to strengthen professionalism in all public institutions, including Local Councils. 

As a Commission of Inquiry, your task includes conducting a holistic and fair review of the financial and administrative operations of Councils, with the objective of improving their governance and service delivery components, based on standard procedures.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

Establishing this Commission of Inquiry is apt, considering the nature of the irregularities brought to the Government’s attention.  

To provide evidence in support of this line of action, the Ministry of Lands, Regional Government, and Religious Affairs received complaints from four Local Councils about alleged financial and administrative irregularities.  

Almost two months into the 2023 fiscal year, for example, the Banjul City Council is yet to submit its annual budget for scrutiny by the Ministry,  as provided for by the Local Government Finance and Audit Act 2004.

Also, at the Kanifing Municipal Council, there have not been a Chief Executive Officer and Director of Finance for nearly two years.   Furthermore, oversight measures, including a court ruling and directives from the Local Government Service Commission to institute suitable redress procedures, are still being hindered.

These circumstances, among other factors, have seriously undermined the administration and social service delivery obligations of the said Councils.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Gambia Government has a huge responsibility to restore and maintain normality at all levels of the Establishment. It bears a statutory oversight obligation over Councils and has been duly advised to adopt appropriate measures to address the irregularities complained against them.

The Terms of Reference of the Commission of Inquiry into the Conduct of Local Councils aim at providing Government with informed policy choices for effective Local Government reform and a functional decentralisation framework. The task of the Commission is to investigate and present its report within three months to guide Government on the adoption of relevant policy  and administrative options.

Ultimately, the outcome of the investigation will further guide the administration,  policies, and procedures of Councils and clearly spell out the relationship between  elected and appointed Council Officials. 

There is no doubt, distinguished Commissioners, that you are people of integrity and high standing in society. We are convinced,  therefore, that you will work diligently to deliver a decent report within the set timeline. 

I assure the Commission of Government’s support, and I urge the general public to remain law abiding at all times.

To conclude, I congratulate you on your appointments as Commissioners and enjoin you to be impartial and sincere as you undertake this assignment.

I wish you good luck.

Thank you all for your attention.

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