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Worldwide Blood Donor Day: advantages and disadvantages of donating blood

Worldwide Blood Donor Day: advantages and disadvantages of donating blood

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Each day, thousands of people need donated blood and blood products to keep them in good health or allow them to stay alive.

If a person’s blood levels fall due to an accident or illness, or if their blood is not functioning properly, there will not be enough oxygen or other nutrients to maintain their vital organs.

Advantages of blood donation

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Donating blood can help people with many health conditions, such as those who:

have internal or external bleeding due to an injury

have sickle cell disease or another illness that affects the blood

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are undergoing cancer treatment, are undergoing surgery, such as cardiovascular or orthopedic surgery have an inherited blood disorder are undergoing a transplant need treatments involving plasma or other blood products


o          People who have recovered from COVID-19 may be able to help others with the disease by donating blood plasma, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Trusted Source.

o          Their plasma can contain antibodies to the infection. If another person receives this plasma, it may help their body fight the virus.

o          Benefits for the donor

o          For many people, blood donation offers many health benefits with few risks. The strict regulation of blood banks means that a donor can give their blood or plasma safely in the United States.

o          Donated blood can save the lives of people in need. However, according to some medical professionals, it may also benefit the donor. The sections below will look at some benefits for the donor in more detail.

Identifying adverse health effects

Each person who donates blood completes a simple physical examination and blood test before giving blood., These are not in-depth tests, but they may help identify unknown health concerns, such as anemia or high or low pressure., The test will check the person’s: blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate, hemoglobin, or iron, levels, If the test reveals a problem, the person will not be able to donate blood. However, the results could be a first step toward seeking treatment.

Contributing to the community

Donating one unit of blood may save the lives of up to three people, according to the American Red Cross., Blood donors provide a vital service to the community. Making a difference in the lives of others can boost a donor’s sense of well-being.

Weight management

There are claims by Trusted Source that giving blood burns 650 calories. However, there does not appear to be any scientific evidence to prove this. Any benefits of this calorie loss will be short-term and will not help a person lose weight.

However, a 2012 study Trusted Source suggests that because blood donation centers need to weigh people before they give blood, this could help identify people with obesity and offer them help to manage their weight and any related health problems.It can also identify people with a low weight, who may also benefit from counseling and advice.

Cardiovascular health

In 2019, researchers looked at the data of nearly 160,000 females who had donated blood for 10 years or more. They concluded that blood donation offers a “protective effect of long-term, high-frequency blood donation against cardiovascular disease.”

Blood pressure

Some research by Trusted Source has suggested that donating blood may also reduce blood pressure.

In 2015, scientists monitored the blood pressure of 292 donors who gave blood one to four times over the course of a year. Around half had high blood pressure., Overall, those with high blood pressure saw an improvement in their readings. The more often a person gave blood, the more significant the improvement.

Other experts Trusted Source have pointed out that because blood pressure testing is an integral part of blood donation, it is a good chance for people to become aware of their reading and, if necessary, learn how to reduce it.


Donating blood is safe, as long as the center follows the standard guidelines. many other countries have strict regulations to ensure safety.

Temporary reactions

Sometimes, a person can experience side effects after donating blood. Although severe adverse effects are rare, temporary reactions can occur, including:, weakness, dizziness, feeling faint, lightheadedness, nausea, bleeding from the needle prick, bleeding under the skin or bruising, These symptoms usually disappear within 24 hours., Some ways of minimizing these effects after donation include drinking plenty of fluids and eating well-balanced meals over the next 24–48 hours., Foods that can boost a person’s iron intake include: red meat, spinach, iron-fortified juices and cereals

Why your donation matters

There are no substitutes for blood, platelets or plasma—they cannot be manufactured. Patients in need of blood or blood products must rely on donations from people like you. Those who are hesitant about donating blood for the first time often find that the donation process is easy and that saving lives is deeply gratifying.

One donation can save multiple lives. Here are the facts:

o          Just 1 donation can save up to 3 lives.

o          The average red blood cell transfusion is 3 pints (or 3 whole-blood donations).

o          More than 1 million people every year are diagnosed with cancer for the first time. Many of them will need blood—sometimes daily—during chemotherapy.

o          More than 38,000 blood donations are needed every day.

o          Type O-negative whole blood can be transfused to people with any blood type, but this type of blood is rare, and supplies of it are low.

o          Type AB plasma can be transfused to patients with all other blood types, but it’s also in short supply.

o          While 38% of the

Who can donate blood

o          Healthy adults (18-75 years) who meet donation eligibility criteria can donate blood. The procedure is safe and relatively painless.

o          During a regular donation, you will give around 470ml of whole blood. This is about 8% of the average adult’s blood volume.

o          The body replaces this volume within 24 to 48 hours, and replenishes red blood cells in 10 to 12 weeks.

Blood donation requirements

To donate blood, Lifeblood donors must:

Be healthy and not suffering from a cold, flu or other illness at the time of donation, Be aged between 18 and 75 years (other rules may apply if you are a current donor). Weigh at least 50kg.

Have normal temperature and blood pressure.

Does donating blood make you weak

o          Fatigue. Slight fatigue is normal after a blood donation, and some people experience this more than others. Anyone who feels tired after donating blood should rest until they feel better. Drinking plenty of water and restoring vitamin and mineral levels may help reduce fatigue.

How to recover after donating blood

o          A person can usually return to most daily activities within a few hours of donating blood. There are a few ways to help the body recover.

Certain foods and drinks, for example, can help with recovery from blood donation. Also, there are some activities to avoid immediately afterward. In this article, we look at how long recovery takes, what to do after donating, what to avoid, possible adverse effects, and when to see a doctor. Donating blood removes fluids from the body. A person can help restore them by drinking water, broth, or herbal tea.

What to avoid after blood donation

Donating blood usually does not affect a person’s daily routine. However, it can limit what a person can do immediately afterward.

The loss of red blood cells means that there is less oxygen circulating in the body. As a result, a person should avoid Trusted Source very strenuous activities right after a donation. This may include:

manual labor, heavy lifting, cardio exercises, For the rest of the day after donating blood, it is generally a good idea to avoid any activities that get the heart rate up. Going forward, a person can gradually reintroduce exercise and heavy lifting. Returning to these activities slowly can help prevent any adverse effects of the blood loss.

Also, a person should avoid drinking alcohol for the first 24 hours after a donation.

For further information, email to, send message only to Dr Azadeh WhatsApp on 002207774469, between 3 to 6pm.

Dr Hassan Azadeh MD, Senior Lecturer at the University of The Gambia, Clinical Director at Medicare Health Services.

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