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City of Banjul
Sunday, March 16, 2025

Actuality in Banjul — v iews of a Banjulian

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By Sandigie Njie

Banjulians continue to lead by example and have punctuated the Councillorship elections by voting in candidates of choice not on party affiliation. Banjul is the wrong destination and choice to promote hate and hate speeches. Waa Banjul have once again proven to the prophets of doom that their allegiance hinged not on party but purely on candidates of choice. The illusionists and fake political pundits whose motives were to ostracize the citizens of Banjul have paid a heavy price by woefully failing to achieve their designed objectives.

Playing mischief and engaged in wild and irresponsible utterances using videos and audios, allowing it to go viral on social media to taint and misrepresent Waa Banjul. Inventing tales and branding the city and people of Banjul reflects hate, bigotry and absolute dishonesty. The citizens of Banjul have spoken loudly by voting for the candidates of their choice, irrespective of affiliation. It is only in Banjul where one discovers the true reflection of diversity and tolerance in all spheres, despite our minor differences. Waa Banjul remain united as a family, devoid of the distortions that had been going viral on social media.

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We want to seize this opportunity to heartily congratulate all the elected Councillors and wish them well with resounding success during their tenure of office. Let them also note that the people of Banjul have made a choice by voting only 9 out of all the contenders, sending a strong signal which requires attention to the development aspirations and desires of the electorates, selfless sacrifices, respect, discipline dedication forbearance, understanding and wisdom in their strive for substantial quality service delivery. With embankment on a new journey characterized by daunting task and challenges, it requires consultations, collectivity, collaboration and concerted efforts to fix the problems confronting the city. The road to success is bumpy and demands perseverance, tolerance, affection and open mindedness to deliver the goods without delay.

We call on all elected Councillors to work amicably and promote the agenda of positive transformation, regeneration, redesigning, rebranding and rebuilding of an admirable Banjul. Let them unite as a single force and focus on excellence and the wellbeing of the electorates, disregard the barriers of party blindness ,and don’t allow anything to supersede the interest of Banjul. Let them not sway into the association of doctrines or positions that will have them attempt to compromise what is expected of them as representatives of the electorates.

Banjulians have decided to speak meaningfully and will not accept or tolerate political hooligans who are bent on smear campaign, rhetorically attacking the community and the people of Banjul.
Promoters of political discord, hate and bigotry have no place in Banjul and her people. We continue to be dignified in all spheres of the social and political spectrum. Scanning through many Mayoral pictures hanging on the wall of the council Chambers, one will be amazed that Banjulians once accept a Mayor whose parents(both) were not natives of Banjul but was accorded the privilege to be First Citizen of Banjul.

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We will not allow any Peter or Jane to take us for ride. We are sincerely committed to nurturing our core values and principles of being the cradle of hope, hospitality and tolerance. It is unique that in Banjul we accommodate citizens from all over the country without prejudice or discrimination, to the extent that they would love to vie for positions of prestige and honour.

Self-serving political pundits who were on the expedition of positioning the people of Banjul on the political map with interpretations that were not correct, but driven and influenced by dishonesty, self-centeredness, egoism and erratic behavior have been proven wrong beyond reasonable doubt. The outcome of the results clearly explains and reveals that they have no idea relative to the political perception, pattern, and way of alignment of distinguished Banjulians.

It is established that the electorates of Banjul did not compromise their position once again. Minds of the electorates were made despite the voter apathy and outcome of the Councillorship elections. Politics of irrelevance and myopic thinking cannot dictate or outline the agenda for Banjul and her people. The self-style irrational and inferiority complex of certain individuals cannot divide Banjulians as a people in an attempt to satisfy or quench the endless thirst of hooligans or party surrogates. They were of the fervent belief that they can influence or impact change through us, by aggressively engaged in smear campaigns and exploiting the mechanism of distorted propaganda machinery disguise under bigotry and dishonesty.

Speculators must remain mute in our political discourse and permit us to steer our affairs our own way. We will not encourage individuals infringing on the political status of our city with ill intentions to the extent of breeding hate and spreading malicious attacks .Meddling and interfering in our political activities by undesirable elements will not be condone or allow to prevail. Our conduct as Banjulians will remain decent and be done with fair play.

We strongly urge for respect as it is our responsibility to quell and disallow intruders to our coexistence which has to be preserved, fostered and nurtured with the true spirit of Waa Banjul. Let us not accord social media pundits and insincere critics to play holy and preach morality on Banjulians because they are not in the morale position to castigate anyone with unfounded attacks. Banjul is not the space for politricks and bickering and shall rise above hate, bigotry and triviality in all its forms. Setting standards will be our focus as we venture into a new dispensation.

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