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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Barrow hails peaceful election, thanks supporters of NPP-led coalition

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President Adama Barrow has issued a statement congratulating Gambians for conducting a peaceful local government councillors’ election and reaffirmed his commitment towards safeguarding the country’s democracy. He also used the occasion to thank supporters of the NPP and its coalition.

The statement signed by the NPP deputy Spokesman Seedy Njie said: “The Secretary General and Party Leader of the National People’s Party (NPP) wishes to thank all members and supporters of NPP, NRP, GPDP, NCP, CA, ANRD, GANU and all other non-party affiliated Gambians for their participation in the just-concluded elections and giving the NPP a satisfactory majority” .

President Barrow also commended all Gambians for their peaceful conduct throughout the voting process which confirm the maturity of “our new democratic dispensation”. The president reaffirmed his commitment to the consolidation and nurturing of peace, development and prosperity in the country.

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“As a political party, the results of the local government elections showed an improvement from the National Assembly in all the regions. They reflect an incredible performance of our young party which won an absolute majority in the previous presidential election and majority seats in both the National Assembly and now councils’ elections. These gains must be consolidated and all NPP members and partner parties are urged to take stock of these elections by identifying our strengths and weaknesses and proffering solutions in preparation for the mayoral and chairmanship elections that would close the current electoral cycle. On behalf of NPP, NRP, APRC, CA, GPDP, ANRD, GANU and all other partners, the secretary general and party leader congratulates all our elected councillors and wishes them a successful term in their new assignments,” the statement concluded.

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