Press release
Banjul. 19.11 2018. Official Launch of the Project ‘Strengthening human rights standards, support to Parliamentary Sub Committee on Human Rights, Gambian Federation of People with Disability and Association of Victims of Torture during the transition’
The project is implemented by ARTICLE 19 West Africa in partnership with the Institute of Human Rights and development in Africa (IHRDA) with support of the European Union.
The launch is aimed at “informing the government, and other stakeholders including the media and general public on the rationale and expected impact of the project”.
The project is in response to the human rights violations that occurred during the 22-year reign of former President Yahya Jammeh, which ended with his removal from office in the 2016 presidential elections. The change of Government in the Gambia is a window of opportunity for strengthening institutional mechanisms, and undertaking legislative and policy review and reform – to ensure that democracy, the rule of law and human rights are upheld at all levels of government.
It is upon this background that ARTICLE 19 West Africa, IHRDA, the National Assembly, Gambia Center for Victims of Human Rights Violations (GCVHRV), Gambia Federation for the Disabled (GFD) and African Centre for Prevention and Resolution of Conflicts (CAPREC) will undertake various activities to ensure that respect for human rights, the rule of law and democracy are upheld, respected, protected, promoted and fulfilled by all branch of the government of The Gambia.
The objectives of the project are:
· To build the capacity and support the Gambia Center for Victims of Human Rights Violations (GCVHRV) and Civil Society coalitions to understand and use the right to truth and information as leverage to demand accountability for human rights violations and to address impunity;
· Support rehabilitation of victims of human rights violations;
· Support the establishment and operationalisation of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Human Rights and Constitutional Affairs to better enforce government’s obligation towards human rights protection and promotion in the Gambia;
· Support the enactment and operationalisation of the draft disability Bill and empower the Gambia Federation for the Disabled (GFD) to enhance their socio-economic status.
The official launch of the project will take place on 21 November 2018 at Dunda Hall, Atlantic Hotel, Banjul, The Gambia starting at 10 :00am.
The launch will be presided over by Hon. Mariam Jack-Denton, Speaker of the National Assembly, His Excellency Attila Lajos, the Ambassador of the EU to the Gambia and Hon. Abubacarr Tambadou, the Minister of Justice of The Gambia, partners and representatives of beneficiaries will take part.
For more information please contact:
Aïssata Diallo Dieng at or M +221 77 182 23 06
Juliet Logose at or Tél: (+220) 72 33 093