25.2 C
City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024

OIC Banjul Summit! The time is now!

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Preparations are in high gear for the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit which is slated to take place from 4-5 May in Banjul. Every aspect of life in the country seems to have been affected by these preparations.

The government of the Gambia hopes to host a very successful summit and gain a lot from it. Many leaders from Muslim countries around the world are expected to fly in to The Gambia for this very important occasion.

The security services have been put on high alert and have been working round the clock to ensure that these important visitors will come to The Gambia and stay for the duration and leave without any security incidents. This requires a lot of preparations and proper coordination.

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The road infrastructure has also seen a lot of work done to ensure that the goings and comings of these leaders are hitch-free. Thus, the renovations and the buildings of new roads have been going on for the better part of the last few years.

The hotel industry hopes to be booming during this time as the thousands of visitors pour into the country. It is therefore safe to say that The Gambia will reap great economic benefits from this event. It is hoped that the government will maximise the opportunities presented by the event.

Perhaps it is important to sensitize the public also on the expected behaviour when all these leaders – and the international media which will inevitably follow them – are in The Gambia. With the right reception, this could be a good way to sell the image of the country.

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Good luck to the OIC Secretariat and through it, the Government of the Gambia and indeed all Gambians.

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