26.2 C
City of Banjul
Saturday, September 7, 2024

Policeman narrates discovery of slain taxi driver’s body

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By Aisha Tamba

The murder trial of Muhammed Thomas, who is accused of killing a Bakau taxi driver last year, continues yesterday under Justice ZM Mboob with prosecution witness Corporal Samba Bah testifying.

Bah, a crime scene officer at the Kairaba police station, told the court that he saw and recognised the accused Muhammed Thomas at the Kairaba station as the suspect in the murder case.

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Mr Bah testified that a panel was established at the police station with him being crime scene officer.

The police man revealed that during the crime scene visit the accused told the panel that after killing the taxi driver, he kept the dead body in the car boot before throwing it in an incomplete compound.

“We went to that building but did not find any material evidence because I realised that the place where he said the body was dumped was burnt,” the policeman said.

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The witness stated that the vehicle was later recovered from one Yusufa Thomas, a relative of the accused and was parked near a restaurant on Kairaba Avenue.

He said the vehicle was searched and the slain driver, Omar Sonko’s papers were found including his ID Card. He also revealed that there were some blood stains at the back of the car.

The car was tendered and during the witness’s identification of the vehicle, the judge noted down the brown stains in the back of the car which are suspected to be blood stains. The defence counsel however objected to the tendering of the vehicle, arguing that the state did not show any description of the vehicle to the defence.

Justice Mboob overruled the objection stating that the state had listed the vehicle in the indictment as evidence they wish to rely on which the defence has a copy of.

Omar Sonko, a taxi driver from Bakau, was allegedly murdered by Muhammed Tomas who denied the allegation.

His gruesome murder angered a lot of youths in Bakau who protested demanding the accused be handed to them which led to the destruction of the Bakau police station.

The matter continues today.

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