33.2 C
City of Banjul
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Pres. Barrow versus The Voice Newspaper

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Recently, the report on Freedom of Expression Index painted a bright picture of The Gambia as it showed significant improvement on the issue of Freedom of Expression both for journalists and ordinary citizens.  The report showed great strides especially given the fact that under the previous regime, journalists faced a lot of challenges in their work.

At the last Assembly of the United Nations, His Excellency President Adama Barrow said that the country can be proud of the fact that there are no political prisoners nor are any journalists or ordinary citizens expressing their opinions imprisoned. Thus, the journalists, and indeed many citizens of the country, are proud of the image being built.

It is in light of the forgoing that the current saga of the journalists at The Voice Newspaper being charged with false publication and being dragged to court is concerning. The entire media fraternity in The Gambia is protective of the image President Adama Barrow has as a tolerant and democratic leader.

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It is in this spirit that we call on President Adama Barrow to unconditionally drop the charges against Mr Musa Sheriff and Momodou Justice Darboe on the charges of false publication. Both cases, criminal and civil, should be dropped in order to maintain the good name the president has earned for himself already.

We urge the president to reconsider and maintain his record of being tolerant and accommodating. This case is directly connected to the president himself and that is why it is not good for his image both here at home and abroad. The international bodies of human rights advocates are watching with a wary eye to see if he will remain tolerant or slide into dictatorial tendencies.

President Barrow should continue to be tolerant and understanding so that he will safeguard his legacy as a democrat.

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