28.2 C
City of Banjul
Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Janneh Commission Report

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In 2017, the Government of The Gambia set up a commission of enquiry to look into the financial activities of former president Yahya Jammeh, those of his family and close associates.

The Commission which sat for almost two years and spent fifty million dalasis completed its work and submitted the report to the president.

According to law, the president within six months of receiving the report, was supposed to publish the report and its recommendations alongside a white paper which will detail its intended action(s).

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Last week, the Government fulfilled its responsibility by publishing both the report and the white paper.

The report indicts a number of former government officials of having participated in looting the coffers of the nation.

In addition to individuals, some financial institutions have also been indicted and recommendations have been made for the government to take punitive measures against all those found wanting.

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These financial institutions include Trust Bank Limited (TBL) and Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB).

Ever since the commencement of the Commission’s work, the government of President Adama Barrow had repeatedly stressed its intention of implementing whatever recommendations it comes with.

However, many citizens have alluded to possible selective justice by the government as they see some individuals being banned from pubic office and others left out of the list of those to suffer punitive measures.

If the country wishes to effect reform and reconciliation, it needs to be seen to be doing justice without favouritism and scapegoating some and treating others as sacred cows.

With the report of the Commission of Enquiry, the Government of President Adama Barrow has a unique opportunity to deal a blow on corruption and malfeasance. Will it take it?

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