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City of Banjul
Thursday, October 3, 2024

UTG lecturers threaten to sue Vice Chancellor

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By Tabora Bojang

Lawyer Malick HB Jallow, representing two lecturers at the University of The Gambia, has written to the Vice Chancellor to withdraw allegations made against his clients Professor Matarr Njie and Dr Alieu Gibba or face legal action.

The two senior lecturers have been embroiled in a dispute with the university management since June after they accused management of delaying promotions for 2023, nepotism and favoritism.

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The UTG management felt offended by these allegations and their publication in the media which it said tarnished the image of the institution and breached its service conditions and asked the two lecturers to appear for a disciplinary committee hearing but they walked out of the process citing “conflict of interest” which they said may prevent the committee from acting impartially.

They also accused the VC of making sweeping allegations of impropriety and misconduct against them including corruption and dishonesty.

In his letter addressed to the VC, Lawyer Jallow said such allegations have brought the names of his clients into “disrepute and scarred their reputation and standing” as respected scholars and members of society.

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“Our clients have taught thousands of individuals at UTG and beyond and your unsubstantiated allegations have fundamentally lowered their standing and credibility in the eyes of the student community and the academic fraternity. Therefore, our final instructions from our client are as follows: That you immediately and without reservation withdraw the malicious and unfounded allegations against our clients not later than 28 days from the receipt of this letter, that you make or cause to be made unequivocal, express and clear public apology to our clients within 28 days to be published on social media and all major media houses, pay compensation of D30, 000,000 to our client Dr Alieu Gibba and D25,000,000 to Professor Matarr Njie as well as recovery of all expenses incidental to the said court process.. However, should you wish to explore Alternative Dispute Services ADR on this matter as mandated by law, you may contact us,” Lawyer Jallow concluded.

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