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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ding Ding Yiriwa Federation validates saving, loan document scheme

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By Aminata S. Kuyateh

Ding Ding Yiriwa Federation, a local partner to ChildFund the Gambia and other stakeholders, recently validated the village saving and loan document held at the federation’s headquarters in Jambanjelly.

The validation availed participants the opportunity to critically look at the document meant to empower children and their families within the federation’s area of operation, earmarked to be piloted in four different communities.

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The village savings and loan association (VSLA) is based on the principles of fund pulling in order to secure savings and loan needs of the poor and marginalized population in society.

Ding Ding Yiriwa Federation is a community-based organisation operating in Kombo north and south in affiliation with the ChildFund the Gambia. The federation has enrolled over 4,500 school going children within Kombo south\ north district aged 6-14 years. Ding Ding Yiriwa aims at protecting the children and youths against all forms of abuse. 

The main objective of the federation is to ensure children aged 0-5 years are healthy and secured, 6-14 years are educated and 14 years above have quality relevant skills.

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Speaking at the event, sponsorship and program coordinator at the federation, Buba Jatta, said the federation rolled out several programs geared towards empowering and enrolled children and their families.

He also added that the primary purpose of the village saving and loan association is to provide simple savings and loan facilities to communities of those who do not have access to formal financial service within the federation’s operation areas.

Mr. Jatta disclosed that the federation has over a hundred clusters in the operation area, but “our target is to pilot this VLSA concept with four clusters, we are happy to see the product of the consultant so that we can look at it together and where to adjust”.

On behalf of the alkalo of Jambanjelly, Buba Jammeh underscored the significance of VSLA saying it meant to support the government’s efforts. He added that the idea behind the VLSA is to see how local partners are concerned to empower the beneficiaries.

Consultant of grassroot business initiative, Lamin Sawo explained that VSLA is a group of 10-25 people who save together and take small loans from those savings with cyclical activities running for a year.

Representative of the chief of Kombo south, Dembo Darboe, welcomed the initiative saying VSLA is practical and all inclusive.

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