25.2 C
City of Banjul
Friday, July 26, 2024


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The five-day Fifa Member Association referees course for The Gambia ended over the weekend at the Football Hotel in Yundum. Thirty-Five Gambian referees and assistant referees male and female completed the course with all of them passing the fitness test conducted by the instructors. The course entailed fitness tests, new techniques and modules as well as tutoring any new amendments to the rules of the game. At the end of the training the GFF 1st Vice President Bakary K Jammeh congratulated the participants for their record breaking pass mark. ‘We are pleased to acknowledge that this year a 100% pass mark has been achieved and this shows the importance the GFF attaches to improving the standard of refereeing and I must commend all of you for your dedication’. “As a Federation, we are committed to improving officiating standards and creating capacity“, he said. He said refereeing is a continuous development process and that the GFF will not relent at any cost to give Gambian referees what they deserved.“We have to take pride of ourselves because we have Bakary Papa Gassama who is helping us a role model, and even in our recruitment exercises.” Mr Jammeh thanked the Course Director Alain Lim, Physical Instructor Malang Diediou and Fitness Instructor Mademba Mbackeh for the knowledge they have impacted to Gambian referees.]]>

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