Growing in Christ is a process, because Christian life does not begin with birth. It begins with death, until self dies there is no beginning at all. A transformation by the help of the Holy Spirit is very important. Jesus told Nicodemus “Unless one is born of water and spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God”. Without the regenerating power of The Holy Spirit Christian life cannot be effective because it is the Holy Spirit that guides and directs in all truth and makes us understand the will of God for our lives.
The indwelling spirit helps us to put away all sinful thoughts and actions replacing it with love, humility and peace. God wants to see us grow spiritually. This demands total commitment and a decisive effort to grow and mature in the spirit. One fundamental aspect of growing in Christ is a life of unity, a life reconciled to God, and love for one another. The love factor in Christian growth is unique to The Gospel, and this is what Jesus calls the New Commandment (John 13:34).
As children of God we are enjoined to pray at all times, because prayer is one of the fundamental and key principles in Christian growth. Prayer as we know it, is a perpetual communion with God. God does not want anyone to perish, which is why He sent his prophets and committed servants to teach and encourage us to repent and live a holy, righteous and obedient life.We must always remember that a life in Christ is a life of complete restfulness. Jesus says “Abide in Me” which means have no fears, you are safe and stable when you come into my rest.”
This is not only Christ’s cry to you a believer, your cry to Christ, longing soon for His Second Coming will be “Come quickly, even so, come quickly LORD JESUS, come and occupy my heart, reign there without a rival, and consecrate me entirely to thy service.”