In a statement released to the media on Friday, Marcel Mendy, the executive director of the NSC disclosed that the nine recognised associations are those who scored 80 percent and above in the scrutiny which required the associations to meet certain criteria.
The number of national associations before this exercise was close to 29, though only 20 came forward to seek re-registration by the NSC. This new development now means that close to twenty other national associations have been scrapped from the register. Among the key casualties are tennis, boxing, karate among others. There has not been any immediate comment from those whose bodies have been deleted from the new register since the news broke over the weekend. Below we reproduce the full statement by NSC Executive Director Marcel Mendy:
”The National Sports Council charged with the responsibility of monitoring, regulating, registering of national sports associations/committees/federations and coordinating sports activities in The Gambia among other things realised that one of the fundamental factors affecting the development of sports in The Gambia was that there are a very few among the sports structures that operate and do business as required of them, thus slowing down the advancement of sports to a great extent.
Given this therefore, a decision was reached to regularise the situation by ensuring that only those sports bodies who meet the minimum standard are registered as national sports bodies with a view to ensuring that our athletes do better than they are currently doing.
Following the drafting and validation of registration criteria for national sports associations/federations/committees at a national validation forum, the National Sports Council finalised and adopted the registration criteria which had been printed. Soon after that, the general public was duly informed of the availability of application forms at the National Sports Council secretariat through a press release detailing among other things the deadline for registration. This was later followed by another press release dated December 31st, 2014, extending the deadline to 11th January, 2015 instead of the earlier announced January 5th, 2015.
Ladies and gentlemen by January 11th, 2015, twenty sports bodies had applied for registration, following the submission of their filled application forms. Their applications were reviewed by a panel established by the NSC. After the review of the applications, applicants were invited to an interview attended by the Presidents and Secretary Generals of the various sports bodies that had applied.
Since then, the NSC had always promised to relay the outcome of the process to the general public through a press conference and successful applicants will be issued a certificate of registration and a letter detailing their shortcomings for their immediate action.
I want to hastily register our apologies for failing to get back to the public on the date we had promised. This was as a result of the voluminous work required to complete the process and also our desire to ensure that we do an impeccable piece of work.
Ladies and gentlemen the following are the objectives of this exercise:
ü It is believed that at the end of it all, there will no longer be “briefcase” sports associations who will only scout for travelling opportunities but rather well structured sports associations/federations/committees who will help develop the athletes in the interest of the nation;
ü Enhance the performance of Gambian athletes;
ü Enable executive members of national associations to manage, but at the same time be held more accountable;
ü Ensure effective service delivery by national associations;
ü Ensure that the conducive environment is created for athletes to excel;
ü Ensure that athletes who represent The Gambia in international competitions are selected through the right process;
ü Ensure that only functional sports bodies represent The Gambia in international functions;
ü Ensure the timely provision of quality information etc. etc.
Following their applications and review process, the following sports bodies scored 80 percent and above.
Gambia Football Federation
Gambia Basketball Association
Gambia Volleyball Association Gambia Athletics Association
Gambia Draught Association
Gambia Cricket Association
Gambia Wrestling Association
Gambia Paralympics Committee
Gambia Deaf Sports Association
As such, I hereby declare them registered as National Sports Associations/Federation/Committee. The aforementioned will be issued certificates of registration and a letter detailing a few things they will have to improve upon within one year of receipt of the said letter.
At this juncture ladies and gentlemen, I take this opportunity to reiterate the call for embassies and consulates to request from all sports bodies and individuals wanting to travel to represent The Gambia in international meetings/conferences/fora and or competitions clearance from the National Sports Council.
Furthermore, I wish to call on all stakeholders to collaborate with and support the National Sports Council in its quest to move Gambian sports to a higher pedestal.
Ladies and gentlemen, I can’t find a better way of concluding than to thank you for your unalloyed attention”.