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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Roll call of leader looters

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Mamuudu: Roll call of leader-looters. That people were impoverished didn’t matter, Professor Robert Rothberg tells us in our Governance and Leadership Class. Without shame, the following leaders used their power & influence to wink at the stealing of obscene amounts from state coffers: – 1. Mobutu Sese Seko, USD 2-5 billion, 2. Sani Abacha of Nigeria, 4 billion, 3. Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, 70 billion. 4. Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines? 500 million. 5. Papa Doc – Jean Claude Duvalier of Haiti, 3 million, 6. Suharto of Indonesia? 35 billion dollars. 5. Yahya Jammeh of the Gambia net worth $ 1.8 billion dollars. For almost two year running, disturbing is the Gambia about to feature in the super league of Top 10 leader-looter states of the world. According to Forbes report of January,17 2017 that “Yahya Jammeh is the richest man in the Gambia and virtually all businesses are owned by him. Yahya Jammeh’s net worth is estimated at $1.8 billion dollars. He owns $10 million-dollar mansion(each) in five European countries and two western countries, as well as $ 30 million-dollar mansion in Morocco. The Gambian president has reportedly invested heavily in Dubai and other Middle Eastern countries.” Forbes released 2017. Mamudu: Africa has more per capita thieves! With even greater net worth. Destination of the loot? First, the pockets of the leader-looter; their companies, family and acolytes. Next? Property and financial institutions in Europe and the U.S:]]>

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