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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sillah petitions Bajo, Tamba nominations

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The GFF presidential aspirant Malick Sillah has addressed a petition to the Gambia Football Federation GFF Electoral Committee appealing against the nomination of Lamin Kaba Bajo as presidential candidate as well as General Lang Tombong Tamba as third Vice president. The full content of the letter which was copied to the head of the civil service, MoYS, NSC and GFF secretary general and the National assembly select commitee reads as follows…

Following the acceptance of nomination of Mr. Lamin Kabba Bajo as President, Mr. Bakary Jammeh, as the 1st Vice President, Mr. Ebou Faye as 2nd Vice President and Mr. Lang Tombong Tamba as 3rdVice president for the forthcoming GFF Elections published on Standard Newspapers on Monday 23 July 2018. I write to appeal against the decision of the Electoral Committee of The Gambia Football Federation to accept the above candidates.

I am appealing against the nomination of candidature of the above-mentioned persons vying for various positions of Gambia Football Federation (GFF). They are not legible to stand election because they are under investigation relating to corruption and tax fraud. The National Assembly Select Committee on Sports sanctioned the investigation and is ongoing.

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In addition, Mr. Lamin Kabba Bajo is linked to the ongoing Commission of Inquiry into the financial activities of public bodies, enterprises and offices dealing with former president. Hetestified before the Commission of inquiry in connection with the Taiwan Loan grant relating to missing millions and consequently he was ordered to declare his assets. He is potential associate of the former President; therefore, it is unsafe for him to be entrusted with such a prestigious office.

Mr. Lang Tombong Tamba was convicted and sentenced for treasons and other felonious offence by the High Court of the Gambia which decision was subsequently affirmed by the Supreme Court on appeal. His conviction record disqualified him to contest GFF Election under article 34.4 paragraph c of the GFF Constitution provides which provide that“the members of the Executive Committee shall not have been convicted of a felon.”The acceptance of his nomination for the position of 3rd Vice President is flagrant violation of the article 34.4 of the GFF Constitution.

Therefore, approval of the candidature of the Mr. Lamin Kabba Bajo, Mr. Bakary Jammeh, Mr. Ebou Faye and Mr. Lang Tombong Tamba contravention of article 34.4 of the GFF Constitution, Article 9 and article 10 of the Electoral Code of GFF. It also will send the wrong signal to all national associations because it implies that there is no need to abide by orders of National Sports Council thereby perpetuating disorder rather than the order of the law ensures within the sports’ family.

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I urge you to declare that the nomination of Lamin Kabba Bajo, Bakary Jammeh, Ebou Faye and Lang Tombong Tamba for the forthcoming GFF Elective Congress invalided and non-complianceof article 34.4 of the GFF Constitution and Electoral Code.

Malick Sillah

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