By Jarga Kebba Gigo
The relationship between US and the Arab world revolves around finance (greed) and fears or false security. It was partly in the closet as cheaters, but Trump exposes the Arabs and the world, naked? It is reported that the first state to state phone call Trump made was to MBS of Saudi Arabia, and that the Saudis are pledging about $600 billion dollars investment for Trump to satisfy money worshipping Americans? Regardless if the numbers turn out to be inaccurate, we know they will likely invest big just like they did with the first term of Trump. The most important thing journalists should note is rectifying false public notion of how US finances Israel. We must consistently gauge the parties or we fall short as hypocrites.
First, the Arabs are largely blessed with money through resources they evidently managed much better than black Africans. However, they were/are late in understanding the different levels of learning, far beyond the Qur’an and so-called hadiths. In a nutshell, without the learning they disdained, and misled many Africans on, until recently, their mainly oil resources would have been useless? Israel has some resources, but their main blessing is respecting an aspect of Iqrah (read) like some Christians, as per real life and the Qur’an. Israel and Israelis helped the US on many aspects of learning, from funding universities to scientific discoveries. Since the US switched from searching the most physically strong that can be imported, they now want to import the most mentally strong or have favourable relationships with such…
The size of the US, among others, gave them both a real and imaginary ideal partner. As the masters in weapons, it is vital to table how much money the seemingly groups contribute. Rough inaccurate numbers: If the US makes trillion-dollar sales to the Arabs and 500 billion dollar profit from that, then giving Arab Egypt 2 billion dollars aid and 10 billion dollars to Israel is partly thanks to Arab business? If Israel buys 50 billion dollars, helps them make 100 billion dollars in products, then why do many Arabs and Journalists narrate how much US gives to Israel without contrasting how much Israel buys? I almost never hear, ‘the US should stop selling weapons to Israel’. In many inflated business tricks, the profit from sales can be returned as a ‘gift’. This is true beyond Israel. They may be exaggerating ‘gift’ to Israel to turn the US populace against Israel, but facts matter, or reality may shame you. Worse: I almost never hear, ‘if the Arabs stopped buying weapons+ from US, the US will not be able to fund Israel’… If the US, stopped selling weapons to both the Arabs and Israel, I think Israel still has some advantages over the Arabs on inventions. The issue is far deeper than weapons and temporal ceasefires. I think you should all learn to love a lot more. Humankind can rise a lot more and this can be the age of worldwide abundance, especially if God helps towards and after worldwide cannabis legalisation.
The Trump cards with the Arabs were terrible in the first term, but will they learn? Trump’s symbolic Muslim ban may not directly affect many Muslims, but it dangerously appeases guilty minds that can affect Muslims and non-Muslims even decades to come. So the lack of reaction to that means blindness to the dangers and/or indifference. Trump on Jerusalem and many things was not very kind to Arabs, nor did the Arabs respond wisely. Although I think the whole world is not smart in how we respond to Trump, but the Arabs seem worse. We can wish God works over-time and make Trump do good, but in all honesty, God tends to be very demanding these days. If you submit to the doers of evils in fear, or are too arrogant to learn from humans, then pain often comes.
Both Trump and many Arabs count blessings through money, but God knows who is better in other matters. Saudi and many of the Arabs are evidently blessed with money, but are they the most blessed on health and/or character? Do they lie the least or take care of the poor in and beyond their countries, but worldwide?
Again, regardless if the reported 600 billion dollars Saudi investment is true, we know they have the money and what are the alternatives? 100 billion dollars rightly invested on ‘free water movement –drought resistant and year-round farming for Africa’ will lead world food surplus or by when? Another 100 billion dollars on cameras can prevent Gaza atrocities or help document and prosecute. Think about how we can uplift humankind or just bribe the powerful and tell the gullible to pray for next life? Let humans try for each other before we expect Angels to further work for one species or fraction of that species that puts questionable faiths above conscience?
I believe the Arabs must repent in understanding conscience is higher than religion. Invest heavily on worldwide body cameras and try to minimise sins between creatures more than ‘self-harm’ or self-help.