31.2 C
City of Banjul
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

USET staff ends sit down strike

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By Olimatou Coker

The staff of the University of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology USET yesterday announced they have ended their sit-down strike.

Samuel Mendy, spokesman of the association, urged all staff to resume work after most of their demand over financial issues have been met.

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“Four out of the six points we demanded were fulfilled and the following payments were made to our credit union, D1,432,036, staff welfare contributions, D271,000, performance alllowance D1,132,000. Also, management with MoHERST will work with GRA to get us tax clearance and those who already paid for their clearance should take their receipts to the Accounts office for a refund,” Mendy said.

He added that the USET management is tasked to come up with a payment plan for their social security contributions. “As for the USET pay scale, the Management and Governing Council is tasked to work on the policy and come up with a pay scale.We will continue to monitor these developments and  ensure that staff welfare is given utmost considerations,” Mendy said.

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