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City of Banjul
Friday, October 18, 2024

Woman gets 10yrs for drug trafficking

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By Amadou Jadama

A woman has been convicted and sentenced to a mandatory jail term of 10 years by the Essau Magistrates’ Court.

The court further ordered the convict to pay a fine of D1 million in default to serve another two years.

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The woman, Assanatou Sanyang from Ginack village, pleaded guilty on a single count charge of possession of prohibited drugs for the purpose of trafficking.

The particulars of offence revealed that Assanatou Sanyang on 12 October, this year, at Barra-Ginack crossing point had in her possession 5kg, 900 grams of cannabis sativa, a prohibited drug.

When the charge was read to her, she pleaded guilty. She was not represented in court.

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However, the convict told the court how she got in touch with the drugs. According to her, she is a businesswoman dealing in clothing and she had gone to Amdalai to sell and was suggested to her that she should try Ginack where the clothes are in good demand with many of the youths often buying cloths.

 She said when she arrived in Ginack, some youths actually expressed interest in buying her clothes but said they did not have cash but are willing to exchange the clothes with cannabis to which she agreed as she wanted to sell to get back her money.

She further told the court immediately after she crossed, she me agents from the DLEAG who arrested her.

In passing judgment, Principal Magistrate Anna O Mendy said: “I am satisfied that the accused person intended to plead guilty. Her guilty plea to my mind is direct voluntary and unequivocal. It is trite law in our criminal justice system that courts can convict on the guilty plea of an accused person in open court. I am further satisfied that the facts narrated have articulated the ingredients of the offence to warrant a conviction. I accordingly find you Assanatou Sanyang guilty as charged.”

The convict then pleaded for mercy.

Magistrate Mendy said she watched the demeanor of the convict attentively during the trial and her mitigation, and she is indeed a very remorseful, first-time offender and did not waste the time of the court.

“However, the effect of drugs in our communities too is a growing concern as most Gambian youths are diagnosed with drug-induced psychosis, phobia, neurosis and others. This is a psychiatric ailment. There is need to eliminate drugs in our communities. The court is tempted not to give her a heavy sentence. I will sentence her with the statutory minimum. I hereby sentence you, Assanatou Sanyang to a fine of one million dalasi in default to serve a jail term of two years imprisonment, and in addition to imprisonment of ten years imprisonment. The sentences shall run consecutively. The right to appeal is your constitutional right,” the magistrate said.

The prosecuting officer was NCO2 MA Mendy, representing the DLEAG.

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