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City of Banjul
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Ecomig-Ghana donates to Essau Central Mosque, hospital

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The Ecomig-Ghana troops (GHANCOY 8) stationed in Barra Sunday donated prayer mats, ram and medical equipment to the Essau Central Mosque and the hospital. The troops also donated mats and other valuables to Berending Central Mosques as part of their corporate social responsibility. The donation was done in commemoration of Eid-ul-Adha.

The donated items included a ram, bags of rice, prayer mats, packs soft drinks, packs of water, medical items among others.

The presentation was graced by George Sonko, chief of Lower Nuimi District, community elders, members of the mosque committee, GHANCOY 8-unit members, among others.

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Lieutenant Colonel Abraham Derg, contingent commander for GHANCOY 8 expressed delight over the mutual relationship his troops continue to enjoy with the community of Barra and Essau. He said his troops choice to make the donation on Tobaski day because they want to join Muslims to celebrate the day.

“Whatever we are doing is just to signify what the prophet did. We cannot afford to do less. We believe our presence at the community will foster unity and bring people even closer and I want urge the beneficiaries to always remember us in their prayers,” he said.

Dodou Saidy, Imam for Essau Central Mosque said the gesture might be small in the eyes of GHANCOY 8 but to them it is huge and therefore thanked them for their continuous support.

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While presenting the medical items to the Essau District Hospital, Lieutenant (GN) Dr Christopher Boadi Sarpong, said he hoped the items will go a long way in supporting the hospital.

He assured the community and The Gambia in general that they are committed to serving them throughout their stay in The Gambia. He wished the beneficiary communities a happy Tobaski.

Ebrima Ceesay, pharmacy technician at Essau District Hospital in receiving the medical items said the Ghanaian troops’ doctors are very supportive to the hospital.

He commended the troops for the support and assured them that they will used for the purpose they are donated.

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