He survived by dint of hardwork
Built a family on a strong premise
I saw his determination; felt the strength
Lifted the family from glued doldrums
Covered us under the protective cocoon
Of family care; of real paternal love
Everyone was equal to the family pie
And the communal bowl we scooped from
I thought the bond was too strong to be over
That the cherished bond would be forever
So he would see our children’s children
That he would expand the family to the end
He believed and prayed; fasted and gave alms
At the tale end observed pilgrimage
I believe all the pillars were completed
When Allah was ready to take what He owned
Prepared to light the beacon of your departure
Then, intermittent terminal illness ensued
And on the fateful night of Saturday
A day after I registered my name in Gambian literature
YOU decided he has seen all; already lived enough
Then his breaths were gone; remained silent
I received the news with calm; gulped back tears
Minutes of the night were interminable; sleep evaded me
Soaked in sweat under a stand fan; buried in thoughts
I was away; the journey back was equal to the night before
Wrapped him in shroud; ready to finally leave
I sat over him; static and breathless
Remembered my inconsolable mother; distraught sisters
Held my breaths tight; wiped out the coursing tears
Sneezed and panted; coughed and quietly moaned
I snuck the room; giving space to people who
Carried him shoulder-high; heading to the grave
And then lowered; pushing sand back on him
When I turned back; striding my way home
I then realised the big family tree has fallen