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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gambian diplomat tells protest group to cancel demonstration

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By Amadou Jadama

The Chief of Protocol and the Welfare Officer at the Gambian Embassy in Guinea Bissau, Foday Gassama, has called on Coalition of Progressive Gambians to cancel their planned November 11 demonstration on security grounds.

He also urged the protest group to respect the decision of the Inspector General of Police who had denied them permit to stage a nationwide peaceful demonstration in a form of street protest citing security concerns.

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But the protest group said with or without permit the planned peaceful Demonstration will go ahead. 

The group demanded President Adama Barrow and his government to immediately address the daily price hike of food and other essential commodities as well as the alleged corruption scandals in the country.

In a telephone interview with The Standard yesterday Mr Gassama, who was the former Nominated member of the National Assembly and a former UDP Regional Coordinator for West Coast Region, said: “My advice to them, is that let them not take to the streets. Let them cancel it, and respect the decisions of the Inspector General Police, since he denied them permit. Though, they have the right to protest, but if the police denied them permit, based on security reasons, I think is better for them to cancel it. The Police are here to protect the lives and the properties of the people. Demonstration is not good for our economy, because it will stop the investors that are coming to the country”.

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Let us sees the Gambia first, and preserved the peace and stability we have in the country. I want to advise the security forces that let them not underage them, and not to take the issues lightly. This kind of protest can lead the Gambia to a State of anarchy, protected civil conflict and political conflict, so they have to be careful anything they are doing,” he urged.

The former nominated NAM further revealed that if you looked at the development brought by president Barrow, that’s can tells you that, he has the Gambia at heart. Adding that President Barrow alone cannot develop this country, it has to be collective responsibility including the Civil Society Organizations as well as the Media as the fourth estate to advocate peace in the country.” 

 “The high cost of living they are talking about, that is the Global issues. If you looked at Bissau here where I am posted, the price of bag of rice here is nineteen thousand CFA. Cooking oil, Onions, flowers and other basic commodities are expensive compared to the Gambia. In fact, sometimes, they used to come to the Gambia for shopping. For the corruptions, they cannot proof that; this is just a mere propaganda and that would not take this country to anywhere. What I want to tell Gambians that, the Gambia belongs to all of us, and you have the right to support any political party of your choice. But where you right end, that’s where other people’s rights begins. Therefore, let us not abuse Democracy we have “he said.

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